Cao Cao said, "I don't know if Shao can use Tian to drive another car."
Kong Rong: "Tian Feng and Xu You, wise men, also worked for it."
Yu Xun: "Tian Fenggang is guilty."
Sun Sheng: "Look at the plan of Tian Feng and the giant hand. Although they are good and fair, how can they live? " ? Therefore, you judge talents, and I still judge the Lord. If you use loyalty, Wang Bo's career will be very long; After the minister was kept in the dark, the disaster of destruction came. Life and death, honor and disgrace, are often decided by this. Feng knew Shao would lose, and if he lost, he would die. He is willing to take the risk of being loyal to the rules. Martyrs care about what they do, but they don't care about themselves You are a vassal, go if you are righteous. Are Kuang Feng and Shao Fei pure ministers? The poem says:' Death will come to you, and you will be happy in another place.' There is a way to go when words reach the realm. "
Lu Yuan: "Victory or defeat is not determined by the number of people. Success or failure is in an instant. If Tian Feng's plan is used, then the rule of Meng De will also be ruled. "
Zhu Jingze said: "God is useless, so there is no trace to be found. Unique machine, unique knowledge. If you practice the engine, it should be the same as the sharp arrow; You are leisurely, and your friendship is too empty for everyone to reach. Xiang Ruo, Yu Xun, Jia Xu, Xun You, Cheng Yu, Guo Jia, Tian Feng, Giant Hand, Zhang Bin, etc. It is the best in the world. It's wonderfully beautiful, and its strength has changed. Because of the defeat, it has been from Qin and Han Dynasties to Zhou Sui. "
Su Yuanyuan: "Zhang Bin, Ho Choi, once made plans for the kingdom of God. Tian Feng, Yu Xun, also has a winning strategy. "
Hao Jing: "Jushou and Tian Feng are going not to go, but they can't. Being dead is worse than being a father. "
Luo Guanzhong: "① Julu Tian Yuanhao, Tian Zi Maidenlun. There were eight scholars in the Zhou dynasty, and the yin room was equipped with three benevolence. Directly remonstrate Yuan Shao, and faithfully save Zhao Min. I can die in prison, and the loess covers the unicorn. " "(2) yesterday in the defenders, Tian Feng prison death today. The pillars of Hebei are broken, and I will not lose my original family! "