1. Get to the point: It is said that the emperor at that time went to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices, and asked Wang Xizhi to write his congratulatory message on a board, and then sent workers to carve it. The engraver cut the board layer by layer and found that Wang Xizhi's calligraphy ink had been printed into the board. Only by cutting into a depth of three points can the bottom be seen. The carpenter marveled at Wang Xizhi's pen power, perfect calligraphy skills, and the strength of his pen stroke was actually three points.
2. Linchi Xueshu: When Wang Xizhi was a child, he lived in Nanrenli, the capital town of Kaiyang County. When he was born, he was in the midst of the Eight Kings Rebellion, and the Western Jin Dynasty was in jeopardy. Wang Xizhi's father, Wang Kuang, "suggested" Si Marui, the king of Langya, to move south. After moving to the south, Wang Xizhi's house in Kaiyang County was burned because of the chaos. Wang Xizhi, his uncle Wang Xun and his aunt Xun went to Nantang Village, Duxiang, Jiankang County, outside Kaiyang County to settle down. Wang Xizhi loved calligraphy since he was a child. He was enlightened by his father, Wang Kuang, and his uncle, Wang Biao, and also learned books from his aunt, Mrs. Wei.