Xue Ying, the governor of Hangzhou at that time, loved his poems and respected him. He often went to Gushan to sing with him. Song Zhenzong listened to its name, gave it to Su Bo, and told the county to keep it. Although I am grateful, I am not proud of it. Many people advised him to be an official, but he was also politely declined. I don't marry and have no children, but I like to grow plums and raise cranes, which is called "Plum Wife Crane". As an old man, he built his grave on the edge of the land and wrote a poem: "Green hills in the middle of the lake build houses, and bamboo is sparse in front of the grave." Maoling changed its manuscript to another day, and I am still glad that there is no Zen book. "
Goodness is a poem with clear and unique words, and there are more than 300 articles that have been circulated so far. Famous sentences such as "the shadows are shallow and the fragrance floats at dusk". Good at writing, ICBC cursive, and the brushwork is Ou Yangxun and Li Jianzhong. Su Shi highly praised Lin Bu's poems, books and character, and wrote a poem for his book: "Poetry is not cold like Dongye (Meng Jiao), and books are poor like staying in Taiwan (Li Jianzhong)." Huang Tingjian said: "Jun Fu's calligraphy is superior to others. Every time I see it, there is no cure, and I am hungry and full. " Shen Zhou in the Ming Dynasty said, "I love Uncle Weng thin and hard, and the clouds are as green as the West Lake. It is true that Xitai has no meat, and a few lines of jade-like stone contain Kethleen. However, the wind festival overflows, and the word is absolutely vulgar. " .
He died in 1028 (the sixth year of Tiansheng) at the age of 62. His nephews Lin Zhang (Zhao San's doctor) and Lin Bin (at the order of Zhou) went to Hangzhou to perform the funeral. Song Renzong presented "Mr. Jing He". The author of Lin Hejing's poems.