◎Under Literature
○Wang Ding, Yelv Zhao, Liu Hui, Yelv Meng Jian, Yelu Gu Yu
Wang Ding, courtesy name Xuzhong, was from Zhuozhou. He was eager to learn when he was young. He lived in Taining Mountain for several years and was well versed in classics and history. At that time, Ma Tangjun, who had a literary name of Yan and Jijian, was sitting in Shangsi. He and his comrade were drinking wine and composing poems by the waterside. The tripod was used to make a banquet. Tang Jun saw that the tripod was simple and plain, so he set it down and sat down. If you want to stop it with poetry, you should first come up with the poems you have written, and use the tripod to support the writing. Tang Jun was surprised by his cleverness because he had made acquaintance with him. In the fifth year of Qingning, he was promoted to Jinshi. He was transferred to Yizhou to observe the magistrate, to be the magistrate of Laishui County, and to be a bachelor of the Imperial Academy. There are many contemporary laws and regulations. The emperor wrote a letter about ten things to govern the Tao. The emperor used the cauldron to reach the political system and consulted on many things. Ding is upright and upright. If anyone makes a mistake, he will be slandered. At the beginning of Shoulong's reign, he was promoted to bachelor's degree in Guanshu Hall. One day, the host of the banquet was drunk and disobedient to the guests. He complained about his superiors and did not know himself. He was sitting as a subordinate. After hearing this, his superiors were furious. He took away the official position with his staff and tattooed him, and fled to Zhenzhou. If you live for several years, you will be pardoned, and Dingdu will be unavoidable. The ministers summoned the cauldron as a congratulatory message, and they responded to the envoys with a poem, which included the line "Who knows that the rain and dew in the sky will not be lonely in the cold". The superior heard about it and took pity on him, so he summoned him back and resumed his duties. He died in the sixth year of Qiantong.
When Ding was in charge of the county, he was resting in the court when a strong wind suddenly lifted his couch into the air. The tripod showed no fear, but he felt that the pillow and the couch were high, so he said: "I am a high-ranking official in the court, and I have no right to do anything wrong, so I can put it aside." After a while, the couch returned to its original place, and the wind stopped.
Yeluzhao, whose courtesy name is Shuning, is erudite and good at writing. During the unification and peace, he stayed in his brother's country and flowed to the northwest. Hui Xiao Taolin recruited envoys for the Northwest Road. He loved him and exempted him from service, and sent courtesy to his disciples. If you want to call for help, speak quickly. Ta Lin asked: "Now that the army has just finished, there is a banquet on the three sides, but they are waiting for an opportunity to move. If they are attacked, the road will be far and difficult to reach. If they are allowed to do so, the border people will be plundered. If the garrison is increased, they will not be paid, and they will be idle for a while. The peace cannot be maintained forever. How can the plan be settled?" Zhao replied in a book:
If the secret rule succeeds, the enemy will be a family; if the skill is lost, the road will be broken. In the northwest tribes, during the farming season, one man serves as a scout, another man manages the public fields, and the second man serves as an officer, so most of the four men do not have a single room. The matter of husbandry is left to the wife and children. Once they were plundered by the bandits, poverty would set in. During the spring and summer relief operations, the officials often used chaff as food, but they often used chaff. However, within a few months, they were trapped again. And livestock farmers are the foundation of a rich country. There are guards to prevent them from disappearing, and they gather together in one place, and everyone is not allowed to use water and grass. At the same time, the garrison soldiers were killed and replenished at any time. They were not accustomed to the local customs, so the sun was barren and the moon was depleted, and they were tamed until they were exhausted. For today's plan, it is better to give poor people more money and provide them with cattle seeds so that they can cultivate crops. Set up wandering soldiers to prevent plundering, award prisoners to help defeat La, and scatter livestock to make it convenient. In a few years, prosperity is expected. Then train and streamline the troops to prepare for the march. Why not defend it firmly, and why move it but not defeat it? However, if you must remove those that are difficult to control, then the remaining ones will be afraid of themselves. If you abandon the big and seek the small, if you avoid the strong and attack the weak, it will not be a waste of money and resources, and it will not be enough to conquer their hearts. These two are opportunities for profit and loss, and we must not ignore them. Zhao Wen said that famous generals in ancient times had accomplished meritorious service in peace and security, but their virtues were not outstanding. Therefore, Xie Xuan defeated Fu Jian's million with eight thousand, and Brother Xiu defeated Cao Bin's one hundred thousand with five troops. Liangyou's kindness can unite the heart of a scholar and gain his ultimate power. Your Excellency is experiencing an extraordinary situation, so I would like to send you a special message. It is advisable to learn from the ancients and achieve great achievements. Observe the phenomena from above and make plans from below; observe the dangers of the terrain and gauge the strength of the enemy. If you don't think about leaving any strategy behind, it will benefit future generations.
Tart awe-inspiring. In the middle of Kaitai, he was hunting in Balidu Mountain, and was touched by Jie Sheep, so he died.
Liu Hui is eager to learn and good at writing, and he has a far-sighted approach to simplicity. In the fifth year of Dakang, he became the first Jinshi. At the end of Da'an, I washed the prince's horse and wrote a letter saying: "The tribes in the west are in trouble, the soldiers are far away, and the people of China are tired of flying. It is not a long-term strategy. For the present purpose, it is better to build the city in Yanlu, but in fact to Han households. It is the expense of the northwest to plow the fields and gather grain." Even if the words don't work, those who know how to do it will do it. In the second year of Shoulong's reign, he wrote a letter saying: "Ouyang of the Song Dynasty compiled the "History of the Five Dynasties", attached my dynasty to the four barbarians, and arbitrarily derogated me. In addition, the people of the Song Dynasty relied on the generosity of my dynasty, and promised Tong to reconcile and fulfill the courtesy of brothers. Now we are rebelling against it. I asked you to write a history without thinking, and I asked you to give a detailed account of the Zhao family's early deeds." Shang Jia Qi said that he was moved to the Ministry of Rites. The imperial edict uses virtuous countermeasures, and there are many brilliant words to deal with the disease. He was promoted to the History Museum, edited and compiled, and died.
Yelümeng's bamboo slips, with the character Fuyi, are the fifth descendants of Yue Wuzhi. His father was a slave in the Liu family, and he was an official to the Jiedu Envoy. Meng Jianxing is enlightened. When he was six years old, his father went hunting in the morning and composed a poem called "Poetry on the Dawn Sky, Stars and Moon". Meng Jian composed it in response to the poem, and his father was greatly surprised by it. He is long and good at writing. At the beginning of the Kang Dynasty, the privy envoy Yelu Yixin stole the secret and went out to stay in Zhongjing. Meng Jian and Yelu Shuzhen expressed their congratulations.
Not long after, Yi Xin returned to his old post, was given the title, and was relegated to patrol Ciyao Pass. Although he was driven away by slander at that time, he did not express his words. When I encounter the resort of Linquan, I forget to return home all day long. Next year, I will move to Baozhou. When he heard that the crown prince had been killed, he was deeply saddened and wrote twenty poems to express his grief. The preface says: "Animals have the sounds of sorrow and joy, and ants have the form of movement and stillness. It is the same in things, but how is it like in humans? However, the sorrow and joy of a wise man are not connected to misfortunes and blessings. "Yi" says: 'Be happy and know your destiny, so you don't worry.' This is how Yan Yuan is contented with his life, and he knows his fate and is happy. Even though I am in exile, I am at peace with myself, so why should I doubt it?" In the midst of great prosperity, I returned to my hometown. Yi Que said to the emperor: "The prosperity of this dynasty will last for several hundred or two hundred years. It is appropriate to have a history of the country to remember for future generations." He then compiled Yelv Holu, Wuzhi, and Xiuge to advance. The bureau was ordered to edit and edit. Meng Jian said to Yu Guan: "Historical writings have great faith in the world. If you deny it once, you will follow it for hundreds of generations. If you don't have clear knowledge, likes and dislikes, and shows favoritism, disaster will be unpredictable. Therefore, Zuo, Sima Qian, Ban Gu, and Fan Ye all suffered from disaster, so you can't be careful. Hey!" During the reign of Emperor Qiantong, he moved to the Sixth Academy as a Taibao. He does not stick to grammar when doing things, and often laughs at his pedantic ways. Meng Jian heard about it and said: "In ancient times, the world was governed without written laws. Covering books with laws is enough to breed evil luck, and it is not the basis for saints to govern." He changed Gaozhou's observation envoy, built a school, and recruited apprentices. He was moved to Zhao as the military governor of Germany. Because there was a famine in Beijing, the imperial edict was issued to the scholar Liu Sichang to sell grain at a reduced price. He died before the matter was finished.
Yelu Guyu, courtesy name Xiujian, was a member of the Sixth Academy. My father, A Guzhi, was an official and a military envoy. Gu Yu wants to dilute the etiquette and craftsmanship. In Tonghezhong, he is the Taibao of the headquarters. In the middle of Kaitai, the Jiedu envoy was moved to the mother city. Tao Bazhou was suspected of being imprisoned, declared his decree, and granted him the title of Jiedu Envoy of the Holy Army. In peacetime, he returned to his headquarters as Taibao. After Xie returned from illness, he promoted him to the king of Nanyuan. Sighing that customs are declining day by day, I invite you to grow old, but you are not allowed to do so. Xingzong ordered him to be a poet friend, asked many questions about governance, and improved many things. Following the imperial edict, he worked with Lin Ya Yelu Shucheng and Xiao Han's family slaves to compile the "Records" of the Liao Kingdom's past events and emperors. He died before completing the work at the age of ninety.
Commentary: Confucius said: "It is not enough to recite "Poems" three hundred times and teach them how to govern. Although there are many, it is also ridiculed?" Wang Dingzhong was directly involved in politics, and Liu Hui served in the Qing Palace and advised on national plans. The pros and cons of border defense are revealed to Kai Min. Meng Jian was ill and evil, but he was deposed without complaining. Who is called a literary scholar? It is useless for governance!