Zhang Hangcheng, whose real name is Deli, is from Yifeng, Dingzhou. Tell Shao Shi, the master said, "If you go to the square, you can only do it in the gallery." At the end of Sui Dynasty, Cha Xiaolian was expelled from Yuan Wailang for slanders. Later, this is the history of the king. Shi Chong filled the valley with scorpions and cooked the captain. From a poor family, several generations of collectors gathered in Beijing. Last name is B, not Chen. Gaozu said Aring Zhang, assistant minister of the official department, said, "No one uses special forces today? I will use it. " Sharp words and deeds, rich family, capable of becoming famous. Call the temple empire, correct and solemn. Emperor Taizong thought it possible, and the speaker said to him, "People in ancient and modern times have never been handed down from generation to generation. If they succeed, I will guide them. There is no first place. "
At the banquet, the emperor talked about Shandong people and Guanzhong people, with the same meaning, but different meanings. Xingcheng said, "The son of heaven is the home of the world and can't accept things. It shows people how to pass. " The emperor clapped his hands and gave famous horses, money and clothes. Naturally, there are important political affairs to discuss. Move somewhere. The emperor said to his ministers, "If I am the master of the people, I must deal with others. Can't I win the trust of the public and others? " Shun, Yu, Tang, Wu, Wei, Yi and Lu are all safe. Gaozu has Xiao, Cao, Han and Peng, but the world is better. Shangshu said back and forth: "The Sui Dynasty lost its way and the world was boiling. Your Majesty has restored order from the chaos and saved people's lives. Comparison between Zhou and Ji. Although Shengde has light, its scale is profound. Wu Wen and the right wing really have no rivals. They use the public to measure their schools, which damages the respect and competition of Wancheng? " The emperor of Ghana.
At the age of twenty, Ling Xing gave the prince an imperial edict. "The crown prince should stay in prison," he said. "It is not only important for the capital, but also reflects the virtues of the four parties. It is decided that Liao Bairi will be in the same business." The emperor believed in loyalty. Shi Feng, the minister of punishments. The emperor ascended the throne, sealed Beiping County and supervised the national history.
Yonghui has lived for four years, and it never rains from March to May. He fell into fear and begged the old man for his body. He replied, "The ancients should avoid it and be good at committing crimes. This is not the fault of the Prime Minister. " This is for maids and goldsmiths. Don't reply. When the thread became solid, the emperor said, "Palace, I am old. Why don't you give me up to do evil? " Tears. Become afraid and have to double your eyesight. He died at the age of 67 in Shangshu Province. A letter is more meaningful than crying for the first time. The three men made a discount, sent the clothes in and stayed in the palace to protect their eyesight. Give the opening documents to the third division and the governor of bing, and sacrifice them to the lower supervisors. This matter will be solved. History of New Tang Dynasty
Zhang Hangcheng, whose real name is Deli, is from Yifeng, Dingzhou. When he was young, he studied history from Liu Xuan. Liu Xuan said to his master, "Zhang Xingcheng is a good talent to assist the court." At the end of the great cause of Sui Dynasty, he kept filial piety and became a traitor in Taiwan Province province. Later, the official history. The king was pacified and served in the Sui Dynasty in his capacity. Born in poverty, he didn't recruit collectors in Beijing, but he was appointed in the entrance examination for senior one. Gaozu said to Aring Zhang, assistant minister of the official department, "Aren't officials elected by the government? I want to appoint them. " Zhang Xingcheng and Aring Zhang are recommended to supplement Fuping's main works, which are famous for their outstanding talents. Later, he was called into Korea to supplement the temple's service to imperial history. He performed his duties conscientiously and fairly, exposing impeachment and supervising the intermission. Emperor Taizong thought he was very talented, so the other party said, "People from all ages were not recommended by others. Like Zhang Xingcheng, I used it myself, and no one introduced or recommended it. "
Once the emperor talked about Shandong people and Guanzhong people, which was biased. Zhang Xingcheng said: "The son of heaven takes the four seas as his home and cannot take things as the boundary. This shows people his narrowness. " The emperor agreed and gave a famous horse, 100,000 yuan and a set of clothes. Since then, he has been asked to take part in important political affairs. Many times, I am moved to give something. The emperor once said to his ministers, "If I were the master of life and willing to do business with each other, I would not deprive you of your birthright. After Hou Ji, Kuai, Lu and other merchants, the Xia and Tang kings will rule the world. With Emperor Gaozu having Xiao He, Cao Can, Han Xin and Peng Yue, the world will be safe and I can do things right away. " After Zhang Xingcheng abdicated, Shangshu said: "The Sui Dynasty perished and the world was in chaos. Your majesty restored order from chaos and saved the people from the mire. How can the princes and ministers of Zhou Han compare with your majesty? Nevertheless, it is still a virtue that shines on future generations. This provision is grand and far-reaching. Neither the civil and military officials on the left nor the right have the talent to become generals. Why do you want to compete with them in public, damage the honor of the emperor, and compete with courtiers? " The emperor accepted his suggestion happily.
This year, the emperor went to Lingzhou and wrote a letter to the Crown Prince. Zhang Xingcheng said: "The Crown Prince will stay to supervise the country and face all kinds of government affairs every day. He should not only attach importance to capital, but also show virtue to the world. " The emperor thought his words were credible. Transfer to middle school official and minister of punishment.
The emperor acceded to the throne and made Zhang Hang the magistrate of Beiping and the supervisor of national history. Yonghui has four years, and it doesn't rain from March to May. Zhang Xingcheng was afraid, saying that he was old and asked to retire. The emperor replied: "it is against the emperor's introspection to recall the former prime minister." This is immoral, not the prime minister's crime. " So he got his maid-in-waiting and gold items, and was ordered not to resign again. Zhang Xingcheng insisted on resigning as prime minister. The emperor said, "You are my old minister. Why did you abandon me? " Said, and shed tears sadly. Zhang Hangcheng was confused and afraid, so he had to deal with political issues in court. Soon, he died in Shangshufu at the age of 67. According to the emperor's decree, all officials above grade nine should go to the government for condolences and sacrifices. When he received the body, he sent someone to deliver underwear three times, and Shang Hong lived in his house to take care of the body. Later, I paid tribute to Kaifuyi and Bingzhou secretariat. At that time, Shao was imprisoned as a sacrificial ceremony, posthumous title Ding.