Zhang Di’s calligraphy journey can be roughly divided into three periods: Bai Younian’s calligraphy in his thirties, when Qi Hua first gave birth, which belongs to the brewing period; it extends to the destiny year, when he is full of energy and can mature. period; after that, when virtues are established and famous, people and books are old, it should be the mellowing period.
At the beginning of his life, Mr. Wang lived in a village in western Liaoning. The mountains and rivers were swaying, and his family and country were scattered. The current affairs were contradictory, and farming and studying were both useless. The child was ignorant and had to learn calligraphy from a private school teacher. Although he could not argue, after all, it was a blessing for a child in a remote place to have a close relationship with pen and ink. I didn't know much about it at first, but then I studied ink, managed it, and started doing graffiti. That's when I entered the Tao. As a young man, Di Gong suddenly realized that he understood the rules of the heart circle, the eight methods of Yongzi, the structure of the eight bodies, the induction of things and self, and the fusion of people and books. .
During the ten years of catastrophe, Di Gong’s calligraphy journey has expanded unprecedentedly. His personality was not in line with the trend, and he was at a loss for what to do about the chaos. He was inexplicably sad, so he simply hid in a small building and became one, immersed in the inscriptions and inscriptions, and soaked in calligraphy. Unexpectedly, this act was regarded as unheard of by people at the time, and he became an adult, and his calligraphy made a move towards the palace of art. What is particularly commendable is that through crying, thinking and searching, he completed the maturity of his artistic psychology and started the mellowing process in his calligraphy career.
In 1977, the gloom cleared and the earth returned to spring. Zhang Di got to know Mr. Chi Chao (1917-1984), the leading figure in Longsha calligraphy circles, and was fortunate enough to join Chi Chao's family. Mr. Chi Chao is a master of calligraphy of the Longsha generation and is highly respected by people. He is famous in Bu Kui for his regular script and is particularly good at large-character plaques. Di Gong established Xuechengmen in his prime, cherished it very much, watched and meditated, and was deeply affected. From then on, I got the true inheritance of Chi Lao's pen and ink, especially the influence of the big calligraphy. I learned the Tao and found the source, and understood the tricks of "pull" and "turn". I rubbed it day and night, and my hands and eyes became clear.