Historical celebrities surnamed Liu
Liu Zhuang: a native of Wei in the Spring and Autumn Period, and a minister of Duke Xian of Wei. Be virtuous in both the government and the public. after his death. When Duke Xian of Wei cried and offered sacrifices, he said: "The minister in Liuzhuang is not the minister of the few, but the minister of the country." He was considered to be of great importance to the country.
Liu Heng: named Jiali, at the end of the Sui Dynasty, he was the head of the king's house. He was trapped by Li Mi and returned to the capital. He has a unique appearance and appearance, which is surprising to the great ancestor and his grandson Dou's wife. He was a general of the Zhonglang of the Left Guard for the third time and was a male from Shouling County. He was demoted as the governor of Qiongzhou for his crime and promoted to Sanqi as a regular servant. If you return it on behalf of others, you will not be able to adjust it for several years. When his brother was mourned, he was buried. He was fortunate enough to meet Taizong in Nanshan, and he mourned because he was summoned. A few days later, I entered the opposite north gate and paid homage to Shaoqing Guanglu. Heng was unruly in hunting, and the emperor said: "Your Majesty, we have been close to me for a long time, but we have a lot of friends, so it is better to avoid it from now on." Heng You ordered hard, thanked the guests, was quiet and simple, and worked hard for the officials. In the end, he was inspected by the governor of Qizhou and presented as a gift to the Minister of Rites and the governor of Youzhou. His posthumous title was Gong.
Liu Yu: named Youwen, the seventh grandson of Liu Zhuo, the son of Liu Zhongli. Liu Yu was eager to learn since he was a child. He was hired by Yu Wenhu, the Prime Minister of Dazhong in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, as a clerk. Later, he became the general manager of Ningzhou. He recommended himself as a sergeant of Siwu and moved to Zhengzhou to guard the order. During the reign of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, he was promoted to Minister of Yubu, Minister of Tuntian, and Minister of Censorship. If you hear about integrity in the court, all officials will respect you. He inspected 52 states north of the Yellow River and dismissed more than 200 incompetent officials. The state and county officials were frightened and the official atmosphere was purified. There is an allusion to the saying "Two hundred officials were impeached; virtue was impeached by fifty states". He was awarded a commendation for this, and was given 200 pieces of silk cloth, 30 collars of felt, and was awarded the title of Third Division of Yitong and a regular attendant on casual riding. The Sui Dynasty usurped power and was falsely accused and dismissed. Later, Yang Liang wanted to join forces with Liu Yu to rebel, but Liu Yu refused to go along with him and was imprisoned. After Yang Liang was defeated, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty summoned him back to the capital, but he died on the way.
Liu Ze: A native of Puzhou Jie (now Jiezhou Town, Yuncheng, Shanxi Province), he was a political commentator in the Tang Dynasty. Philosophically, he adheres to Lao Tzu's point of view of "seeing what is desired keeps the mind calm"; politically, he proposes a number of reform measures and is extremely enterprising.
Liu Shi: Hedong Jieren, named Zishao, was the prime minister of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty. He was moved to Zhongshushe, where he became the minister of the Ministry of War, and then moved to Zhongshu, the minister of war. In the second year of Gaozong Yonghui's second year (651), he became the prime minister and served as Zhongshushe. He was appointed as the Secretary of the Book, and was appointed as the Secretary of the Zhongshu Ling in the following year, and also studied the history of the country. In the fifth year of Yonghui, the granddaughter who was promoted to queen was gradually alienated. Liu Shi resigned and was dismissed, and moved to the left to become the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. The queen was deposed and demoted to the governor of Aizhou. Later he was executed for treason. Liu Zezi.
Liu Mian: courtesy name Jingshu, a native of Hedong, Puzhou (now Yongji West, Shanxi Province) in the Tang Dynasty. He held the positions of official censor Zhongcheng and Fujian Observer. He advocated that articles must elaborate on the "Six Classics". He was Han Yu A pioneer in literary theory.
Liu Yong: a native of Chong'an (now part of Fujian Province), a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty. His works mostly describe parting emotions and city scenes, with popular words and melodies, and are widely circulated. He is the author of "Collection of Movements" and so on.
Liu Guan: A native of Yuanpujiang (now part of Zhejiang Province), he is a famous writer and is waiting to be appointed to the Imperial Academy. He is well versed in classics and history, good at argumentation in prose, and good at describing the changing state of scenery in poetry. He is the author of "Collected Works of Liu Daizhi".
Liu Yu: A native of Wu County (now part of Jiangsu Province), a painter of the Qing Dynasty, a worker of figures, trees and rocks.
Liu Shilong: A native of Puzhou in Qi in the Southern Dynasty, he served in the Song Dynasty and served as General Wuwei and Shangshu Youpushe. He entered Qi and was promoted to Shangshu Ling. He is good at reading, good at playing the piano, and is proficient in mathematics. He is the author of "The Secret Essentials of the Strider Sutra".
Liu Xiahui: A native of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period, he was a descendant of Zhou Gong, who made rituals and music. His original surname was Zhan, and his name was Qin. Since food was collected under willows, he changed his surname to Liu. After Qin Shihuang unified the world, the original surname was Zhan. Descendants of the Liu family from Julu State also moved to Hedong. Their descendants continued for generations, and finally became a prominent family in Hedong, and then multiplied from here to all parts of the country. Hedong at that time refers to a large area east of the Yellow River in what is now Shanxi Province, and is the ancestor of the Liu surname.
Liu Yuanjing: courtesy name Xiaoren, a native of Jie County, Hedong (now southwest of Linyi, Shandong Province), was a famous general in the Song Dynasty during the Northern and Southern Dynasties. He was good at horseback riding and archery since he was a child. He accompanied his father on many expeditions against ethnic minorities in the North and was known for his bravery. Liu Yuanjing was "taciturn but possessive". Xie Hui, the governor of Jingzhou, heard about his name and asked Liu Yuanjing to serve him. But before Liu Yuanjing arrived, Xie Hui was defeated and killed. Liu Daochan, the governor of Yongzhou, also liked Liu Yuanjing's talents very much, but Liu Yuanjing was in mourning because his father had just passed away, so he didn't go. It happened that Liu Yigong, the king of Jiangxia in Jingzhou, summoned Liu Yuanjing. Liu Daochan said regretfully: "It has been a long time since we have failed. Now that your king has called you, it is difficult to stay with each other. I feel that I am at a loss." After Liu Yuanjing's mourning period expired, he was summoned to Liu Yigong's subordinates. He was appointed as General of the Central Army, moved to the Palace of Lieutenant General, Sikong Xing joined the army, and was promoted to Situ Taiwei to join the army in the city bureau. Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty Liu Yilong also praised him very much when he met him.
Liu Gongquan: courtesy name Chengxuan, a native of Jingzhaohua in the Tang Dynasty. A famous calligrapher, he is good at regular script, with strong structure and strict rules. It is known as "Yan Jin Liu Gu" in the world. Among the inscriptions and inscriptions handed down from generation to generation are "Songli Tie and Postscript", "Xuanmi Pagoda", "Diamond Sutra", and "Shence Army Stele".
Liu Gongquan: courtesy name Chengxuan, a native of Jingzhaohua in the Tang Dynasty. A famous calligrapher, he is good at regular script, with strong structure and strict rules. It is known as "Yan Jin Liu Gu" in the world. Among the inscriptions and inscriptions handed down from generation to generation are "Songli Tie and Postscript", "Xuanmi Pagoda", "Diamond Sutra", and "Shence Army Stele".
Liu Gongchuo: courtesy name Kuan, originally from Jingzhaohua. He is upright and upright, and he speaks out and gives advice. Wu Yuanheng arrived in Jiannan, and he and Pei Du were both judges. They attracted each other and were called doctors of the Ministry of official affairs. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he entered Zhen, the imperial physician, and moved to Zhongcheng, the imperial censor, and lived in six towns. In Taihezhong, he was appointed Minister of the Ministry of War. He is honest in nature and has ministerial integrity. His writing was not superficial, and the scholars he recruited included Xu Kangzuo, Zheng Lang, Lu Jianci, Cui Yu, Xiahouzi, Li Shi, and Wei Chang, all of whom were well-known and distinguished.
Liu Zongyuan: Zihou, a native of Hedong in the Tang Dynasty. One of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, also known as Liu Hedong. Liu Zongyuan was a famous litterateur and philosopher in the mid-Tang Dynasty. He was as famous as Han Yu and was also known as "Han Liu". He was good at poetry and prose, and was especially good at prose, which was steep, vigorous and profound in meaning. Because of his outstanding achievements in literature, later generations built Liuhou Temple and his tomb of clothes and hats to commemorate him. There is "Liu Hedong Collection" handed down from generation to generation, also known as "Mr. Liu Collection of Tang Dynasty".
Liu Jingting: A native of Taizhou, Jiangsu, he was a folk storyteller in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. His performances are vivid and his characters are flesh-and-blood, sincere and moving, especially "Water Margin".
Liu Rushi: a native of Wujiang (now Jiangsu Province), a native of Jiaxing, a female poet and painter in the early Qing Dynasty. She was a famous prostitute in the south of the Yangtze River in the late Ming Dynasty, and later married the writer Qian Lianyi as his concubine. He is good at painting, and his white line drawings of flowers are extremely elegant, and his landscapes, dianthus and bamboos are dripping with light ink. He is also well-read and has written "Wuyin Cao", "Liu Rushi's Poems", etc.
Liu Tuyu: a native of Jiangning (now Nanjing, Jiangsu Province), a painter of the Qing Dynasty. The landscapes he painted are elegant and vast, and he was also good at calligraphy and poetry.
Liu Yazi: His original name was Weigao, also known as Human Rights and Qiji, with the courtesy name Anru and Yalu. A native of Wujiang, Jiangsu Province. A member of the Tongmenghui, he is the editor-in-chief of issues 1 to 11 of "Retaliation". In the winter of the first year of Xuantong (1909), he founded Nanshe with Chen Qubing and Gao Tianmei and was promoted to director. In January of the first year of the Republic of China (1912), the Nanjing Provisional Government was established and he served as Secretary of the Presidential Office. He went to Shanghai due to illness and served as the chief writer of Tianfeng News, People's Voice News and Pacific News. Since the second year of the Republic of China, he has devoted himself to the new drama movement and published "Chun Hang Collection" and "Zimei Collection". During the Anti-Japanese War, he participated in anti-Japanese democratic activities with Soong Ching Ling, He Xiangning and others, and was expelled from the Kuomintang. In 1949, he attended the first plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he successively served as a member of the Central People's Government and a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. Died in 1958 at the age of 71. He is the author of "Collection of Poems, Ci and Essays of the Sword Grinding Room", "Selected Poems of Liu Yazi", and compiled "The Complete Works of Su Manshu", "Collection of the Posthumous Works of Martyr Sun Zhudan", etc.