In July of the first year of Wen Jian (1399), Judy, the prince of Yan, who was adjacent to Zhu Quanfan, the king of Ning, rebelled. He was afraid that Zhu Quan, the king of Ning, who was also heavily armed, would rebel with him, so he called Zhu Quan to the court. Although Zhu Quan was only 24 years old at that time, he was quite sober politically and refused to obey orders. Because he knew that his nephew, almost the same age as him, was too hasty and cruel to eliminate the captaincy, which drove his fourth uncle Judy to rebel. If he really wants to be a good uncle and go to Beijing as instructed, I'm afraid he will lose his head. If he doesn't go, Emperor Wen Jian can't help it. He can only give a verbal punishment of "taking three guards". Zhu Quan, who has a "gun barrel", doesn't care. He must sit tight and wait for the right time.
In this political game, Zhu Quan, who is full of self-confidence, thinks he is a yellowbird. No, Judy, a refined mantis, is much more cunning than him. Inadvertently, he swallowed Zhu Quan, a "fat sparrow". In September this year, Wen Jian sent troops to attack Yongping, and Judy, the prince of Yan, personally led the troops to rescue and won. Judy is not satisfied with such success. He wants to take this opportunity to implement a long-planned plan. After repelling the "* * * Army" attack, he led some troops to Daning City and pretended to be defeated and came for help. Zhu Quan carefully invited the Prince to ride into the city alone.
First-class politicians are first-class actors, and Judy is no exception. As soon as he saw his little brother Zhu Quan, he held hands and cried, with a runny nose and tears, complaining that he had to get up because he had to get up. Now he is defeated and humiliated. Little brother, you are good at writing and calligraphy. Write a repentance book to your brother. Judy did this for only one purpose, and that was to let Zhu Quan off guard. Seven days later, Judy said goodbye. Zhu Quan affectionate handouts, ready to give a banquet in the suburbs to send off his brother. Unexpectedly, this polite farewell sent Daning City, including himself, to the impolite Judy.
It turned out that Judy had long taken a fancy to Zhu Quan's territory and military forces, and got rid of Zhu Quan, which not only stabilized the defense, but also relieved her worries, and added a powerful cavalry unit to help him. So, naturally, this is a "big deal". When Zhu Quan sent him, he had already sent people to prepare, not only in the suburbs, but also quietly buried the army in the city. Most importantly, he has secretly betrayed the officers and men of the General Guards of Zhu Quan's control forces. As a result, Zhu Quangang was kidnapped with dignity as soon as he left the city. In a flash, the city is not his own, the soldiers are not his own, and his family, old and young, are not his own. All of them were forcibly "packed" by Judy and sent to Beiping City. From then on, Zhu Quan reluctantly became a vassal of Judy. In order to appease Zhu Quan, Judy arranged for him to be her own secretary-general, and vowed to say, Don't worry, brother, we will win the world in the future, and we will each get half.
Although Zhu Quan is young, he is also engaged in politics. Naturally, he won't believe such an attractive political guarantee as "dividing the world". However, he thinks that he has given fourth brother a powerful army in vain, and he is a notorious "anti-thief", bound up with fourth brother's honor and disgrace. In the end, his fourth brother won't treat him too badly. So, after Judy settled down, Zhu Quan assured him to seal Suzhou. But Judy said that Suzhou is too close to Nanjing, which belongs to Beijing's jurisdiction and cannot be given. Zhu Quan invited Qiantang once again, but Judy still refused because it is an important land of wealth. Finally, Judy only asked him to make a choice between Chongqing, Jingzhou, Dongchang and other embarrassing territories. To Zhu Quan's surprise, Judy, who has repeatedly broken her word, is still not at ease. After much reasoning, I finally moved my great brother to Nanchang, which is 0/500 Li away from Nanjing/KLOC, 3,500 Li away from the capital (Beijing), and I can't find the north as far away as Zhu Quan, let alone share the world equally.