In Tang Gaozu's time, a warrior named Yan Ganluo was arrested by the government for robbery. Tang Gaozu asked Yan Ganluo, "Why do you want to be a robber?" Yan Ganluo replied, "I am cold and hungry. I have no choice but to be a robber. " Tang Gaozu sighed: "I am your emperor, but I made you so poor. I am guilty. " So Yan Ganluo was pardoned.
Ask, Yan Ganluo was arrested for robbery, and the county government should be interrogated and punished! As the king of a country, why did Tang Gaozu ask himself? Did Yan Ganluo commit martial arts, and the emperor happened to pass by? Or in Ganluo, the capital of Yan, was beaten by Gaozu, who was in the capital at that time? Or do martial arts parents think that this person should be handed over to the emperor? Because the emperor is also a Wulin? People in the emperor's hometown can't walk around casually, can they? Even the thief has to be dealt with by the emperor himself? Are all martial arts thieves, petty thieves, murderers and robbers handed over to the emperor himself? Will the emperor be too tired if all of them are handed in? Because the emperor naturally manages not only a martial art, but the whole world. So if the emperor is affected by this, will he be bored? If he gets bored, will he kill without blinking an eye? In case he gets bored, will Luo Luo be as lucky as Yan Ganluo next time?
By the way, is Yan Ganluo a first-time offender or a recidivist? …… ……
Three questions, Yan Ganluo said that he was cold and hungry, but Gaozu believed that he was cold and hungry? What if Yan Ganluo is lying ... What an honest society is this if Yan Ganluo is telling the truth? Even the thief told the truth, and the emperor had no reason to doubt it. In other words, anyone believes anything anyone says-isn't it a fucking detour? However, it is still an ancient book, or a story in an ancient book. Didn't Jin Huidi have the question "Why don't you eat minced meat?" Gaozu couldn't add: Why don't you wear mink fur?
Question 4: Has Yan Ganluo been a good citizen since he was pardoned? If you are a good citizen from now on ... if he makes the same mistake again ... after Yan Ganluo was pardoned, did the Chinese follow suit? For example, are those people arrested by the government for robbery all vying to answer him? If we try to follow suit, then ... (Isn't there a saying in China: If everyone is like you, don't ...) Even those hungry and cold Yan Ganluo stole like him, and then met the emperor ... What did Gaozu do after Yan Ganluo was pardoned? Or what did Gaozu's government do? Has Yan Ganluo's hunger and cold changed since he was pardoned? If it does, doesn't it? The government will give him all the property he robbed, Yan Gan Luo? If so, what about the person who was robbed? It's a big family that was robbed, not bad money? Ma Yun reincarnated? Didn't all the robbed people's property come from their own hard work? Was the property of the robbed family also robbed? If it hasn't changed, then ...