How to write a self-introduction in English?

Self-introduction in English mainly introduces one’s appearance, hobbies, family, school and class, etc.

You can start with your name, age, place of birth, and appearance. Such as: Hello!MynameisXXX.MyEnglishnameisXXX.I’mfromXXX.I`m8.IstudyinClass1Grade2inTheShiyanPrimarySchool.

When introducing your own family, you should mainly introduce the family population, place of residence, occupation, work and relationship with me. For example: About my family, there are 4 people in my family, father, mother, brother and me. my father and mother are all very kind, welcome you to visit my family if you have time!

Introduce the things you like, from inside school to outside school, during weekdays and weekends, what you like to do and eat during holidays, etc. Such as: I'manactivegirl.Ilikeplayingtabletennisandbadminton,becauseIthinkthey'reveryinteresting.AndIalsoskipropeatschooleveryday.I`dlikeeatingpotatoes.They`retasty.Myfavouritecolourispink.AndIlikechinesebest.It`sfunny.Onweekends,Ilikereadinginmyroomandlisteningtomusic. One-stop guide to studying abroad