Later, when Su Xun died, Su Shi went home to mourn, and the mourning period ended. When he returned to Beijing, there was another "Wang Anshi Reform" in Beijing, and Su Shi, who was with Ouyang Xiu, was forced to leave Beijing. 1077 to 1079, Su Shi was a magistrate in Xuzhou, that is, when Su Shi just took office, a very serious flood occurred in Xuzhou.
In order to fight floods, Su Shi fought floods with officials and people in Xuzhou for more than 40 days before he succeeded in fighting floods.
Su Shi, who was exhausted physically and mentally, wanted to live in Yanzilou for a few days after fighting floods.
This swallow house in Xuzhou is very famous. Guan, who had once met Bai Juyi, died here.
As soon as Su Shi arrived at the Swallow House, he wrote a song "I am not happy when I meet you". The subtitle of this word is Guan "Pengcheng spent the night in Yanlou". The full text of the word is as follows:
Song sushi
Pengcheng spent the night in the Swallow House and dreamed of it because of this word.
The bright moon is like frost, the wind is like water, and the scenery is infinite. Jumping fish in a curved harbor, lotus dew in a round place, but not alone. Like three drums, one leaf is loud, and the dark dream cloud is broken. The night is boundless, and I can't find a place. I feel that I have traveled all over the small garden.
Tired of tourists from the ends of the earth, I returned to my home in the mountains and looked at my hometown. Swallow house is empty, where is beauty? The swallows in the empty lock building are like dreams from ancient times to modern times. Have you ever dreamed of them? But there are old lovers and new resentments. At different times, the night view of the Huang family is a sigh of Yu Hao.
On the night when Su Shi lived in Yanzilou, he was the only one, and his heart was very lonely.
Later, Su Shi fell asleep. In his sleep, he dreamed of dying here. After waking up, Su Shi walked out of the room and looked at the empty Swallow House, feeling extremely disappointed.
Su Shi dreamed of Guan, and at the same time, a famous prostitute came to Xuzhou.
In ancient times, official prostitutes, similar to Guan Hema, usually sang and danced and performed various programs while officials were eating and drinking. Of course, there were rules in the Song Dynasty. Official prostitutes are buskers and don't sell themselves.
This horse has always admired Su Shi, and she also appreciates Su Shi's unique calligraphy. She always hoped that one day she could learn to write with Su Shi.
The story of Ma and Su Shi begins. Su Shi later built a pavilion at the East Gate of Xuzhou. In order to prevent serious floods from happening again, he decorated the pavilion with khaki in order to "replace water with earth".