In the ninth year of Yonghe, in early March, we will meet in Lanting, Yin Shan, Huiji County, in order to handle affairs. Many talented people gather here, young and old. Lanting Group has towering peaks, lush trees and tall bamboo forests. There is also a clear and swift stream, shining around the pavilion. We painted the stream as winding water and sat next to it. Although there is no grand occasion of playing music, drinking some wine and writing some poems is enough to describe that hidden feeling. On this day, the weather was sunny and sunny. Looking up at the vastness of the universe, looking down at many things on the earth, broadening our horizons and broadening our minds are really very happy. People associate with each other and spend their lives quickly. Some people take out their funny ideas and talk face to face indoors (with friends); Some people pin their feelings on things entrusted by their spiritual feelings and indulge in life outside the body without restraint. Although they have their own hobbies, quietness and restlessness are different. When they are happy with what they touch, they will be complacent, happy and satisfied for a while, and they don't even know that aging is coming. When you are tired of what you get or love, your feelings will change with things, and so will your feelings. What I used to like, in an instant, has become an old trace, but I can't help feeling because of it. Besides, the length of my life depends on nature, and finally it comes down to extinction. The ancients said, "Life and death are important things after all." How can it not make people sad? Whenever I see the reasons for the feelings of my predecessors, the reasons are consistent, and it is inevitable that I will feel sad and incomprehensible when reading the articles of my predecessors. It turns out that it is wrong to equate life and death, and it is wrong to equate longevity and short life. It is sad that future generations look at people today just as people today look at their predecessors. So write down the people who attended the meeting one by one and record the poems they made. Even though times have changed, things have changed, but the reasons for people's feelings are the same. Future readers will also be deeply touched by the poems of this gathering.
Good rain knows the season, when spring comes.
Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently.
The wild path is dark, and the river is bright.
Look at the red and wet place, the flowers in Jinguancheng are heavy.
Good rain seems to pick the right time, arrival in the spring of everything. With the breeze, quietly into the night. Fine and dense, nourishing everything on the earth. Thick dark clouds covered fields and alleys, and small lights were lit, and fishing boats on the river flashed. Look at the flowers with dew tomorrow morning, and Chengdu will be full of flowers.
—— Zhang Xiying