Food is based on safety and delicacy, life is based on honesty, and enterprises are proud of being respected. We regard quality as the most important thing, and food safety and delicacy are important things. Comparing customers to land, owning land means owning everything; Employees are the cutest people, all our brothers and sisters. Ensuring quality, serving customers and caring for employees are our concrete expressions of heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are king. A bowl of rice noodles makes great achievements, and strives to be the king of the three products. Gankun is big in the bowl, and the sun and the moon grow in the bottom.
Say it with Taoism, say it with Taoism, I said you said Lao Tzu said, Tao gives birth to one, two, three and everything …
-Du Zongkai
May of the year of Wuzi