He studied in Cai Yong when he was young. When he was weak, he was the prefect of Hefei, followed by Lou, Qu 'a and Shangyu, with outstanding achievements. Sun Quan understood the words of the satrap, but did not go to the county. He will go to Guyong, be a satrap, defeat bandits and settle down counties. A few years later, he entered the Sun Quan shogunate Rensa Island. Later, he moved to Dali, became a servant and was ordered by a secretary, thus sealing the meeting between Yang and his hometown. In four years, Huang Wu moved to Taicang, where Sun Shao was appointed as the prime minister and the prefect of Shang Ping, and then moved to Liling. Since 19, Kuang Bi has had a lot of auxiliary proofreading work. Wu Chi died in the sixth year and went into exile.
Gu Yong is taciturn, but insists on the truth. Like Zhang Zhao, Sun Quan was afraid. Sun Zeng said, "Sitting on the ground is uncomfortable."
Gu Yong sighed. He was born in Wuxian County, Wu Jun, and his great-grandfather Gu Feng was the magistrate of Yingchuan County in the Eastern Han Dynasty.
Gu Yong studied piano and calligraphy with Teacher Cai Yong when he was young. He is quick-thinking, calm and single-minded, and his artistic career is flourishing, which is deeply loved by Cai Yong. Cai Yong gave it a name. Therefore, Gu Yong and his teacher Cai Yong have the same name. The characters all sighed because of the teacher's praise.
Later, it was recommended by States and counties. When he was weak, he was the governor of Hefei, and successively served as the county magistrate of Lou, Qu and Shangyu, with remarkable achievements.
In 200 AD, Sun Quanling was appointed as the governor of Huiji, but he did not arrive at Huiji. He took Gu Yong as county magistrate and magistrate. Gu Yong drove away the bandits, set the county boundaries, and the officials and people obeyed. A few years later, he entered the shogunate of Sun Quan and became Sa Island.
In 22 1 year, Sun Quan was the king of Wu, and Gu Yong was Dali, Secretariat and Yang. After Gu Yong was arrested, his family didn't know about it at all, and he was surprised to hear about it later.