come from Ji, after Zhou Wenwang. Later, it evolved into three wang xing schools. One is the descendant of Bi Gonggao, the 15th son of Zhou Wenwang's brother. Because they were originally royalty, they took Wang as their surname. Second, Ji Jin, the prince of East Zhou Lingwang, was abolished as Shu Ren because of his admonition, and the world called him "Wang Jia", and later he took Wang as his surname. Third, the state of Wei believed that Ling Jun was unscrupulous. After Wei was destroyed, his descendants were called the "Wang family", taking Wang as their surname.
It comes from Gui's surname and is the descendant of tian li, the king of Qi. Gui Man, a descendant of Shun, was sealed by Zhou Wuwang in Chen, and passed on to the son. He could not escape to the State of Qi and changed his surname to Tian. His descendant Sun Tianhe became the monarch of Qi, which was called "Tian's generation of Qi" in history. After Qi was destroyed, his descendants took Wang as their surname.
It comes from the surname Zi, after the Prince Bigan of the Shang Dynasty. After Bigan was killed, his descendants changed their surname to king in memory of him.
From the north, his surname was changed to wang xing. Such as the Kepin clan of Xianbei ethnic group and the Abu Si clan of Uhuan ethnic group.
from wang xing who gave or assumed his surname. For example, the great-grandson of Yan Wang Dan in the Warring States was given the surname Wang by Wang Mang.
Family genealogy
Nationwide: the general genealogy of Wang Society in Taiyuan, volume 13, volume 1, Wang Xie's family, Wang Family Genealogy, Wang Family Genealogy and Wang Family Genealogy.
Tianjin: Wang's genealogy is not divided into volumes.
Hebei: there are nine volumes of Wang genealogy in Qingyuan, no volumes of Wang genealogy in Xincheng, one Wang genealogy map and ten volumes of Wang genealogy.
Shanghai: Wang's genealogy has four volumes, Nanhui Wang's genealogy has no volume, Yunjian Wang's genealogy has twenty-two volumes, and Jiading Wang's continued genealogy has two volumes.
Jiangsu: Wang's Sansha genealogy is not divided into volumes, Wang's Sansha genealogy is not divided into volumes, Wang's genealogy is eight volumes, Wang's genealogy is sixteen volumes, and Sanhuai's genealogy is twelve volumes.
Zhejiang: Ren He Wang's family genealogy is divided into four volumes, Wang's family genealogy is fourteen volumes, and the newly-developed Wang's genealogy is the first volume of eight volumes.
Guangdong: the genealogy of Wang in Xinfeng is not divided into volumes, and the genealogy of Wang in Taiyuan Tang is not divided into volumes.
gathering place (migration and distribution)
wang xing developed and multiplied mainly in the north in the early days. Wang Yuan, a descendant of Zhou Lingwang, fled the Qin Dynasty and moved to Langxie, then moved to Linyi. Wang in Hanoi, who was originally from Taiyuan, lived in Qixian County, then moved to Pingzhou, and then moved to wen county, Hanoi. Wei Gongzi's grandson, Wuji, mourned the birth of a virtuous man. He moved to Baling in the Western Han Dynasty and became a Jingzhao person.
Wang moved to the south of the Yangtze River, which began in the late Western Jin Dynasty. In Tang Xizong, Wang Chao and Wang Shenzhi, the ancient people of Henan Province, entered Fujian, and Wang Shenzhi was named King of Fujian. At the same time, Wang moved to Sichuan, Anhui and Jiangxi. At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, many people from the Central Plains fled south on a large scale, and many of them moved to Zhejiang and Jiangsu to settle down. At the end of Song Dynasty and the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, a Wang family living in Fujian moved to Guangdong, and its descendants were scattered all over Guangdong and Guangxi. Wang xing's emigration began in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, mainly distributed in some countries and regions in Europe, America and Southeast Asia.
ranked sixth in Taiwan Province, which originated from Fujian and Guangdong (these two places came from Langya, the five clans of Shandong and Taiyuan), and Fujian was the descendant of Wang Chao. Wang's ancestors from Guangdong entered Taiwan during the reign of Emperor Yongzheng of Qing Dynasty. Since the end of the Ming Dynasty, Wang people have moved to Taiwan Province. Wang Zhongxiao, an earlier Hui 'an native, was deeply treated by Zheng Zhilong and Zheng Chenggong when he entered Taiwan.
hall number
wang xing hall numbers include "Sanhuai" and "Huaiyin", among which "Sanhuai Hall" is more famous.
historical celebrity
Wang Shifu: A famous dramatist, he wrote 14 kinds of zaju in his life. His most outstanding work, The West Chamber, occupies an extremely important position in the history of China opera.
Wang Zhaojun: As a palace maid in the Yuan Dynasty of the Western Han Dynasty, she was honest and virtuous. Because she didn't want to bribe the painter Mao Yanshou, she didn't see the emperor for several years, so she chose to marry the Xiongnu in the first year.
Wang Xizhi, a calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was born in Linyi, Langxie, Shandong Province. His original calligraphy style was round and fluent, and he was regarded as a "book saint" by later generations.
Wang Bo, a famous writer from Longmen, Jiangzhou, is one of the "Four Outstanding Writers in Tang Dynasty". His highest achievement is a preface to Tengwang Pavilion, which reveals his peerless talent.
Wang Anshi: one of the "Eight Masters of Tang and Song Dynasties", a famous political reformer and writer in the Northern Song Dynasty, was born in Fuzhou, Jiangxi. He advocated "changing customs and legislating" to implement political reform. His poems are famous for being vigorous and towering.
Wang Meng, a native of Huzhou, was an outstanding painter in Yuan Dynasty. He was famous for painting landscapes and created the method of "water fainting ink seal". As one of the "Yuan Sijia".