I am a bachelor and you are a wife. Haven't you heard that Wang has a peach leaf and a peach root, and Su has a morning and evening cloud? When the time comes, Wu will marry more Nv people. You have lent, so occupy Yutangchun!
Guan Daosheng, the lyrics are back:
You are so affectionate when you are jealous of me. Love is hot in many places. Twist a piece of mud, be a you, be a me, break us together, mix with water, twist a you, be a me. I got you into the mire, and you got me into the mire. I was born with you and died with you.
Guan Daosheng deserves to be a descendant of Guan Zhong, a great statesman, so he pinched a few small clay figurines three times and two times, and then came up with the idea of her husband concubinage. Kung fu is naturally great. It's a pity that there are not many women in China who can pinch clay figurines like this, so women have to bury their jealousy deeply in their hearts.
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