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Introduction of the dragon
The dragon is the totem of the Chinese nation, which also represents the dragon totem and is a symbol of the unity of the Chinese nation. Legend has it that the original "dragon" came from a United, brave and fearless tribe. Every time they captured a tribe and defeated a tribe's army, they collected it after winning the flag with tribal totem patterns. Over time, they defeated many famous tribes. This invincible tribe gathered up the captured flag, cut off the necessary parts, and pieced together the original "dragon" symbolizing supreme power and unquestionable sovereignty.
For thousands of years, dragons have penetrated into all aspects of China society and become a cultural accumulation. Dragon has become a symbol of China, the Chinese nation and China culture. For every Chinese descendant, the image of the dragon is a symbol, a mood, and a feeling of flesh and blood. The appellations of "Descendants of the Dragon" and "Descendants of the Dragon" often make China people excited and proud.