The full text is: "The great master Kong Yiji transformed 3,070 scholars into eighty-nine young men. Their works are benevolent and can be understood as etiquette." It is a red drawing used by children in ancient times.
It means: "The former sage Confucius taught three thousand disciples and seventy scholars. These children must learn benevolence, justice and etiquette."
"Shangdaren" is very short. This is a calligraphy textbook for the Kai Meng. It was fixed at twenty-five characters in the Song and Ming Dynasties. The full text is "Shangdaren, Qiu Yiji, transformed into three thousand, seventy scholars, Er Xiaosheng, eighty-nine sons, good works of benevolence, you can know the etiquette." Until the Qing Dynasty. Qiu was changed to Kong until the Republic of China. This is the origin of Kong Yiji.
As for the source of the Shangdaren chapter, it is basically impossible to test it. Because the content is simple, easy to teach, and it explains the basic common sense of Confucianism, it has been passed down from generation to generation.
As for the "Shangdaren" part that has written records, it has been discovered that the earlier surviving fragments of the calligraphy practice on the back of the Dunhuang scriptures of the Tang Dynasty have been found. However, the content is somewhat different from the Song and Ming versions. But it can be seen that at least by the Tang Dynasty, the main content of the Shangdaren chapter should have been formed.
It is also included in the "Jianhu Collection" written by Chu Renhuo, a scholar of the Qing Dynasty.
Extended information:
Tracing red is a traditional calligraphy method in my country. It refers to copying on paper printed with red words or hollow red words. It is one of the best training methods for beginners to learn to write. . In the past, when practicing calligraphy, the calligraphy was in red, and every other page was in red standard regular script. There was a thin transparent paper on top, and calligraphy practitioners traced the red characters, which is called tracing red. Nowadays, it is relatively rare.
Because red tracing is intuitive, popular, and effective, it is especially suitable for calligraphy enlightenment for teenagers and beginners. The examples in the copybook are all written according to the standardized standards of Chinese characters, reflecting the consistency of calligraphy teaching and literacy teaching.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Painting Red