Answers to classical Chinese beginning with the beginning of Yuan Youchu

the first valley and the last slope in Yuan You

at the beginning of Yuan You, the valley, the last slope and Qian Mufu visited the Baofan Temple in the capital. After dinner, the valley made cursive scripts and counted papers, which Dongpo praised very much. Mu Fu said from the sidelines, "Lu Zhi's words are close to vulgarity." Valley Day: "Why?" Mu Fu said, "There is no one else, but I haven't seen the original Huai Su." Valley heart is quite suspicious, since then refused to be cursive. Shao Shengzhong, who lived in exile in Fuling, first saw Huai Su's "Confessions" in Shiyang's family. Because of it, I will be tired of it, and I will waste my sleep and food. Since then, I have had an epiphany and started writing, which is quite different from what Yuan You wrote before. At first, I believed that Mu Fu's words were not false, but Mu Fu had been dead for a long time. Therefore, the valley tasted that it was cursive in Fuling, and hated Mu Fu for not seeing it.


In the early years of Yuan You, Valley, Dongpo and Qian Mufu visited the Baofan Temple in Beijing. After dinner, Gu wrote some cursive scripts. Dongpo admired Gu's handwriting, while Mu Fu watched it and said: Lu Zhi's handwriting is close to tacky. The valley asked: Why? Mu Fu said: There is no other reason, just because I haven't seen the original Huai Su. The valley was puzzled and refused to write cursive script for others. When Shao Sheng was in middle age, the valley was banished to Fuling. He first saw Huai Su's "Confessions" at Shi Yangxiu's home, so he borrowed it and copied it for many days, almost forgetting to eat or sleep. Since then, the cursive script has been blistering, and the words written are very different from those before Yuan You's year. Only then did the valley believe that Mu Fu's words were not nonsense. But Mu Fu has passed away. Therefore, Gu once thought that he had won the true meaning of cursive script in Fuling. Unfortunately, Mu Fu failed to see his own calligraphy.