Maya's study

The first method you mentioned is polygon modeling. The key point is to use quadrilateral modeling as much as possible, so as to prevent the triangular surface from changing. Polygon modeling is a mature modeling system, and a good polygon model is quite good in animation or still frame rendering. If it is biased towards the animation direction, it is recommended to refer to polygon modeling and learn wiring. The focus is on the moving part.

Second, the models you mentioned are not conducive to animation, and most of them are models with nonstandard wiring and a large number of triangular faces and changeable faces. Animation focuses on model routing.

Third, ZBrush is a software for carving details for models. (Actually, it is a 2.5-dimensional drawing software) 3D personnel often use its carving function, so some people call it carving software. The carving function is to carve the model from a large area to a local area with a variety of brushes, and add details. These functions are not available in 3D software.

Because ZB operation method is different from 3D software, it can support millions of models and tens of millions of faces. So use it to carve.

Fourthly, we can model ZBrush and use Z-ball to model it. After modeling, the topology needs to be rebuilt. Because the models made by Z-sphere often have problems such as staggered grids, it is necessary to import low-order models into ZB in 3D software for carving. There will be no problems such as wiring errors.

The following is relevant. The advantages of Z-sphere modeling are fast and intuitive. The modeling procedures are different, but the main function of ZB is the same, that is, normal line drawing.

I hope what I know will help your problem.