The meaning of this sentence is: When Wang Zhi was nine years old, he mourned for his biological mother. He was so sad that he became weak and thin. His middle cousin relatives all thought he was special.
Source: "Book of Liang·Biography of Wang Zhi"
Wang Zhi, courtesy name Cidao, was born in Linyi, Langxie. His ancestor is Tanshou, his father is a pious monk, and he has the same name. When he was nine years old, he lived in a place where his mother was worried, and his face was disfigured and barren, which was different from his appearance.
Wang Zhi, courtesy name Cidao, was from Linyi, Langya. His grandfather Wang Tanshou and his father Wang Sengqian were both very famous. When Wang Zhi was nine years old, he mourned for his biological mother. He was so sad that he became weak and thin. His middle cousins ??all thought he was special.
Extended information:
Wang Zhi was a calligrapher of the Liang Dynasty and a minister of the Southern Dynasties. At the age of 20, Princess Angu of Song Dynasty was selected as Prince Consort and Secretary Lang. After entering the Qi Dynasty, he served as the internal history of Xuancheng City, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, General Ningshuo, the Prefect of Dongyang, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel and other officials. Liang Jianguo was a regular attendant of Sanqi, Zhongshu Ling, champion general, and Danyang Yin. For political tranquility. He held important positions all the time, and passed away when he reached the rank of Sanqi Changshi and Jin Ziguanglu.
He was later given the posthumous title "An". He is good at calligraphy, especially cursive writing. It is said that there is a "One Day Tie" in the "Long Live Tongtian Tie". There are biographies in Volume 21 of "Liang Shu" and Volume 22 of "Southern History".