Xiang Dechun, the eldest son of Xiang, whose real name is Mu and Zhenyuan, has no name. He has a line of words. Official books. Famous calligraphers in Jin and Tang dynasties can do anything. As famous as his uncle Xiang, there is also a "double eyebrow sticker". He is the author of Yuan Zhen's calligraphy and poetry.
The third son of the item is Xinyuan. I'm also good at sketching. Works are rarely circulated, and some people get a piece of paper, which is as precious as treasure.
Xiang Dexin's sons Xiang Jiamo, Xiang Huimo and Xiang Shengmo were all named after paintings. Xiang Huimo's son wrote orchids to Kuishan Mountain, and to Yu Sun, the nephew who gave birth to ink. From the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, descendants of Xiang appeared in the painting world one after another, the number of which was second only to that of Shi in the same period.