[Jin] Fan Xuanping, grandson of Yongzheng secretariat. Father's childhood, flea pawn. Wang Shao is lonely and poor. At the age of six, he crossed the river and relied on his new family. Wang Cheng, the secretariat of Jingzhou, was surprised when he saw it. He said: "Whoever promotes Fan's clan must be a son." Thirteen years, bereavement of mother and neighbor. Long and studious. This foreign family is poor and has no resources to give. Wang Nailu lived in the garden, dressed and eating vegetables, but paid for a book. After writing, he read it again from the beginning, so he is knowledgeable and good at discussing names and reasoning. Weak crown, to the capital, to Su Jun. When Julian Waghann was defeated, Wang Nai fled to the west. Yu Liang and Wenqiao An Lushan searched for Yang, but their luggage was cut off. I don't know the truth about you, and I'm afraid there will be thieves, so I dare not enter lightly. Then and Jiao came to see Wang Yue and said, "Thieves have different laws, they are greedy and violent, and their death is a sign. Although they are strong, they are weak. The court is in a hurry, so it's time to discuss it. " I am deeply immersed in it. On that day, the guards handed in orders with Pingnan House, and they began to participate in military service. Thief Ping, give Jue Du Xianghou. On the same day, after Yu Liang joined the army, he begged Guo Mo to become a knight in Hou Ting. The monarch was appointed by Chi Jian, except for the order of Wanling. Re-enlist in the western army and don't drive in another state. Wang has been an assistant for more than ten years and is very respectful. General Angelababy, Anyuan Imperial Army, Wuling Literature and History, and Zhongshu were asked for help.
At that time, Yu Yi will know that Han Yingren took the Central Plains as his duty and moved his army to Xiangyang. Wang Shangshu said:
Prime Minister General Fu Si Anxi flew to Xiangyang today to discuss it urgently. The tune of "grass makes everything, and the land is relocated" is no longer used in Xiangyang. And the moon in the middle of winter, when the Han Dynasty dried up, was filed and pushed forward. Set up a place where there is an emergency and the situation is irreversible. I'm worried about one thing. Later, Huan Xuan was appointed. Declare to the forest of true wolves that they should recruit and support the two men and be as lenient as possible so that they can't be prevented. After land reclamation, production began to stand up, and when it started, there would be regrets and regrets. I'm worried about two things. Xiangyang benefited tens of thousands of people, and the cost of studying was attributed to Jiangnan. It is difficult to transport water, which is the strength of the people on board. I have three things to worry about. And Shen Bojing, with the edge will drive. If the East Army doesn't advance, it will be very lonely. Sun Tzu's Art of War said: "If you know this, you will be invincible. Knowing that he doesn't know this, one wins and one loses. " The thief is sincere and evil, and the minister is still there; Although I am old-fashioned, I have no leisure today. And even if the soldiers don't understand, trouble will arise. I will worry about four things.
Don't you know that military people often suffer from this? They care about the portal and have great responsibilities. Ran Yan was worried all the year round and tried his best to resist the table, so he ordered vilen to die. With Yonghong's rules and regulations, the civil and military work hard, and suddenly encounter troubles, major events will help. However, the country's concerns are often based on security, and the trial is not safe, and the king does not lift it. I said it would be a good idea to strictly control the wings and sharpen the town. Don't listen to the holy spirit, ask the minister to show his secret, and discuss it in detail with the minister of riding.
Ask the ancient title of generals in ancient times, how to assist the court, please make a long history. Huan Wen takes Yongan as Jingzhou, and Wang takes Anxi as a long history. Wenxi went on an expedition to Shu and was entrusted to stay in the imperial court. Shu Ping entered Xing Wu County. But you don't have to ask for a long history or jiangzhou secretariat. Please go back to Beijing and look for the magistrate in Dongyang. Wen hates Yan deeply, and there are many benefits in Daxing School in the county. In a short time, he was called in and moved to the central part of the country frequently, and he was the leader of the country. At that time, Jian Wendi, except Yangzhou Jinling Military Affairs, Anbei General, Yan Xu Secretariat and Festival, were very close.
Then Huan Wen northern expedition, driving Wu out of Liang, to avoid being. The court was afraid of temperature and dared not hold it, but the official sighed and hated it. Wang Ping, who lives in Wuxian, speaks calmly and bluntly. After aunt, look at the temperature. Wen Shifang began to hesitate to lean toward the imperial court, saying that Wang Yuan came for himself and leaned over to attract attention. He also said that Justin said, "Gong Fan is here. Can he be too vulgar?" Wang arrived and sat down. Wen thanked him for coming. Wang Shilai creates temperature for fear of being destroyed by the trend of the times. He said, "My dead son is here, so I came to have a look." Wen Shu was disappointed. At the age of 65, he died at home. Give the ordinary waiter a ride and say "Mu". Kang Si, the eldest son, died young. Kang catering, the most famous. There are ten volumes. Calligraphy, storytelling, cloud: Xuan Pingjin, Yuan Chang overlooking. Rizo's note: "I have seen the official book today, and I thank you for giving me four lines of divination." Biography and Narration of Books in Jin Dynasty
Wang Fan (about 308-372)
Physicians in eastern Jin dynasty. The word Xuanping, also known as Fan Dongyang, is the grandson of Yongzhou secretariat. Nanyang Yang Shun (now Henan Neixiang) people. He used to be the magistrate of Dongyang. Daxing school in the county has many advantages. Living in Wudu in his later years. Good medical skills are often to save shirts. Anyone who is sick, regardless of grade, is treated and cured every time. Fan Wangfang (also known as Fan Dongyang Fang and Fan Dongyang Miscellaneous Fang) 170 volumes has been lost. His lost articles can be found in Secret Stories of Foreign Taiwan Province, Medicine Heart Prescription, etc. This book was a successful medical prescription for the research and treatment of typhoid fever before the Tang Dynasty, and it also had a certain level in surgical treatment, and collected folk prescriptions at that time, so Tao Hongjing said that his book "can be used in detail and achieved much."