People with virtue have no virtue, so they really have virtue. People who are virtuous pursue virtue, so they can't actually achieve it. Virtuous people let nature take its course and have no intention of doing it. A virtuous person emphasizes what he can and cannot do. The benevolent tries to give to others, but it is selfless. Honest people struggle to do things, but often have selfish goals. Polite people work hard but get no response, so they raise their arms and force others to obey.
Therefore, there is virtue after the loss of Tao, benevolence after the loss of virtue, righteousness after the loss of benevolence, and courtesy after the loss of righteousness. That ceremony is a sign of the decline of faith and is also the chief culprit of social unrest. Foresight is the display of Tao and the beginning of evil and falsehood. Therefore, a gentleman should be honest, not petty and not vain. Therefore, give up frivolous and flashy, and adopt heavy and solid.
Original text:
Virtue is not virtue, but virtue; Virtue without virtue is virtue without virtue. Virtue is doing nothing without thinking. Benevolence does it without thinking. It is just to do so, but it is thought. If you don't respond to the gift, you will throw it away. So I lost my way.
If you lose virtue, you lose virtue, then the benevolent, then the righteous, and then the courteous. Those who treat their husbands with courtesy are loyal and trustworthy, and they are the first in chaos. Those who know before, the gorgeous way, the head of a fool. Therefore, the gentleman is in his thick place, not in his thin place. Live in reality, not in China. So shoot this somewhere else.
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