In the third year of Tang Muzong Changqing (823), he was the first scholar in Guimao. There are 28 Jinshi in this section. Examiner: Assistant Minister Wang Qi. The test questions include Li Guifu and so on. The same objects are Yuan Buyue and Li. After winning the top prize, he entered the official position. In the second year of Daiwa (828), he joined the army for greatness and obtained the qualification of general (one of the examination subjects in the Tang Dynasty). Later, I was an official doctor and didn't know what to do.
In 823, Zheng Guan won the first prize of high school liberal arts, and in 828, Zheng Guan won the first prize of martial arts. As a result, he became the only scholar in the history of China who was both civil and military.
He is good at calligraphy. According to Li Pan in the 9th year of Yuanhe (8 14), Pei Kun wrote this book, and Ji Tingji was sealed by him.