Wang Xizhi's calligraphy attainments are the highest in history, and no one can match them since ancient times. Wang Xizhi urged all calligraphers to be regarded as "book saints" by the world, and the praise of "book saints" was no less than that of many scholars who respected Confucius and Wen Sheng.
The most expensive calligraphy in China sold for 436.8 million RMB, which was written by Huang Tingjian, one of the "Song Sijia". If the Preface to Lanting Collection is unearthed, the calligraphy value of the Preface to Lanting Collection, its historical value and the special significance of the Preface to Lanting Collection to the calligraphy world, I am afraid that the transaction price of the Preface to Lanting Collection will far exceed.
Many netizens and experts have given clear answers to this question, and the answers are often different. This time, the answer is exactly the same, and experts have given the answer, that is: priceless. This result is expected. After all, The Preface to Lanting Collection contains too many things and is too important.