Confucius said: "Those who know are not good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy." Teacher Ma is the "happy man". Ouyang Yunxiao: "It's better to be tired and happy for yourself than to be tired for yourself. However, since ancient times, there have been tired things, but they are happy for things. " Teacher Ma can be described as "having feelings for calligraphy" and "enjoying himself", which is also a hard-won "enjoying himself". He has worked tirelessly in the book world for more than 30 years, with no pen in his hand, no thoughts in his mind, and the spirit of sharpening his sword without fear of words for ten years, which laid a solid foundation for his calligraphy, making his calligraphy vigorous and calm, stirring, simple and fresh, kind and pleasant. "If it is not frozen, how can it be fragrant?" It can really be said that "blowing all the crazy sand will make gold"!