Confucius also praised Guan Zhong many times in The Analects, saying that without Guan Zhong, there would be no preservation of the Central Plains culture. Before Zhuge Liang came out of the mountain,
Confucius also praised Guan Zhong many times in The Analects, saying that without Guan Zhong, there would be no preservation of the Central Plains culture. Before Zhuge Liang came out of the mountain, he also compared himself to Guan Zhong. Guan Zhong was also the last king prime minister in history, and no minister would reach his level again. Another example is Liu Bei's acquisition of Zhuge Liang. When Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times, he was already 47 years old. He was a famous hero all over the world. At that time, Zhuge Liang was only 27 years old. He was a young man who was studying while farming at home. He had no fame or any brilliant "record" and was in the world. Who knows who you are? But when Liu Bei heard about Zhuge's talent, he condescended to him and invited Zhuge over three times to the countryside. He ate at the same table and slept in the same bed like a fish in water. Compared with Cao Cao, Liu Bei's skills and talents are not enough, but Liu Bei has two advantages: he treats people with a "loving" approach, and his leadership pays attention to putting people first, plus his indomitable spirit. This is his success. fundamental. I have told too many cases like this. In modern times, if we look at Li Ka-shing and Liu Chuanzhi, you will know that the principles I am talking about are not just fairy tales in historical storybooks, they are also the most important principles of modern professional life. Be open-minded and find the right talent, even if he is better than you, give him enough treatment, so that you can succeed! So far, what I have said is that a leader should follow the principle of putting others first when choosing subordinates. Let us think about it in turn, does the same principle apply to a subordinate choosing a boss? ! People first, things later! One sentence weighs a thousand pounds, and all the achievements of the past dynasties are contained in this word! ! ! Editor: