Wang Ying’s main ideas

Wang Yingduan was dignified and solemn. He served in four dynasties and did not do much in politics. However, he was outstanding in talent. He served as an examiner for the imperial examinations for more than 40 years in the Hanlin Academy. The imperial court produced many works of his own, and he was asked for inscriptions from all over the world. There is no end to it. He has profound attainments in calligraphy, and his calligraphy is vigorous, flying and round, with a graceful style. The emperor specially gave the gold bracelet to bind his hands so as not to be overwhelmed. The gold bracelet was only opened when the emperor needed to write. He had an upright nature and liked to regulate others' mistakes. The prime ministers Yang Rong, Yang Shiqi and Yang Pu were all at odds with him, so Wang Ying was not reused. His son Wang Yulei was appointed as an envoy to Sichuan.

The poetry creation is accomplished, the writing style is elegant, close and rigorous, especially the seven-character rhyme. He is the author of "Quanpo Collection", which is rarely circulated. His poems are included in poetry collections such as "Selected Poems of Shicang Past Dynasties", "Jiangxi Poetry Collection", "First Collection of Ming Poems" and "Ming Poems Collection".

After Wang Ying lost his father when he was eleven years old (1386), Zeng Long personally taught him how to read. At this time, the family was in decline and the taxes and servitude were heavy. Someone advised Zeng Long to sell all the books and farmland in his family. Zeng Long said angrily: "The Wang family's inheritance from generation to generation is to be passed down to the descendants. How can you sell it for your own gain?" What?" So he sold jewelry and some clothes to support his family. A woman carried water and pounded rice herself, and Wang Ying also helped collect firewood to cook for the family. Her life was very difficult. A few years later, Wang Ying went to the county school and studied hard under the instruction of her mother. In the 20th year, the Mongols invaded the border. In February, Zhu Di personally marched, accompanied by Wang Ying's retinue, to Kuoluan'erhai. After their triumphant return in May, the army had been forty miles out of Liling City in Weilu Town. Zhu Di summoned Wang Ying and said, "I heard that there is a stone tablet in Liling City. Go check it out." At that time, the city was looted and burned by the Mongolian army, with only the north gate visible. There is a stone exposed for more than a foot. I dug up the earth and polished it to see. It was inscribed on the forehead: "A monument to Li Lingtai's post order to thank the emperor for his virtues and policies." The next day Wang Ying prepared to report the matter, and Zhu Di said: "Since this monument has Mongolian names engraved on it, when the Mongols see it in the future, they will definitely think that this is their territory. You should go again, break the stone tablet into pieces, calcine it with fire, and sink it." Go to the river and avoid the dispute." Wang Ying went in compliance with the order. After returning, Zhu Di was overjoyed: "Wang Xiucai is a scholar among the twenty-eight people. I will use you seriously. You must do your best and don't be afraid of hard work." Zhu Di asked again. : "I will lead a large army to conquer Mongolia. You can analyze the situation." Wang Ying said: "The Mongols invaded the border and will not be forgiven. However, when I heard that the emperor personally conquered Mongolia, he would definitely flee to Mobei. I hope your majesty will not go into danger and pursue him." Zhu Di said with a smile: "I am in charge of the country, and as a scholar, I don't want me to resort to violence." He also said: "If you hear about any news or rumors in the army, you will report it secretly." Eunuch Meng Ji said: "If the scholar has something to do, let him come in without blocking him." In June, when Zhu Di was stationed in Anping Town, some officers and soldiers who had made meritorious deeds did not receive rations because of their fault. They gathered together and cried: "We have run out of food and will definitely die on the road. Yeah." Wang Ying interceded for them: "These are strong men. I hope your majesty will forgive their mistakes and give them favors. They will definitely do their best in the future." Zhu Di Dayue ordered Li Qing, the Minister of War, to not only distribute rations, but also give them gifts. Each person was also given a donkey to wear clothes and armor. When Xuanzong ascended the throne, he summoned Wang Ying to the palace and said: "In Hongwu, there were scholars such as Song Lian, Wu Chen, Zhu Shan, and Liu Sanwu. In the early years of Yongle, there were Xie Jin and Hu Guang, all with the same name. You have to teach classics and history and Chen Daoyi." , To enlighten my heart, don't let the predecessors only do this kind of job. "I was given wine and money in the palace, and was appointed to the cabinet to participate in the secret service. Wang Ying petitioned to share half of his salary to support his mother at home, and the emperor agreed. However, Zeng Long distributed all the salary he received directly from local finance, as well as the rewards Wang Ying sent back every time, to his relatives and never used them for himself. In the fifth year of Xuande (1430), Wang Ying participated in the compilation of the "Records of the Taizong and Renzong Dynasties" and completed it. He was awarded platinum, colorful coins, and robes. He was promoted to the Shaozhanshi of Zhanshi Mansion and a bachelor's degree in the Imperial Academy. He was also awarded gold Amber unicorn belt. In the first month of the seventh year, Zeng Long died of illness at the age of seventy-seven. The emperor made an exception and ordered the Ministry of Rites to offer sacrifices, the Ministry of Works to build a tomb, and sent a central official, Ruan Tong, to escort Wang Ying to the funeral. In the tenth month of winter, I take away the mourning and return it to the court. I favor you when the sun is rising, and I call you from time to time. Wang Ying was old and asked to retire several times, but the emperor refused. When he was seventy years old, he asked to retire again. The officials thought that Wang Ying's energy was not declining, so the emperor still refused. In the twelfth year, the eldest son Wang Yu, the deputy envoy of Shandong Province, committed a crime and was imprisoned. Wang Yingshu pleaded guilty to himself, but the emperor was lenient. In August of the thirteenth year, the emperor specially promoted Wang Ying to be the Minister of the Ministry of Rites in Nanjing. He served in Nanjing for two years and died of illness at the age of seventy-five on May 17, the first year of Jingtai (1450). In the obituary, the emperor expressed his condolences and gave him the posthumous title Wen'an (later changed to Wenzhong). He ordered the Ministry of Rites to offer sacrifices and the Ministry of Works to build a tomb. Several volumes of Wang Ying's original "Quanpo Collection" have been scattered.

Taiwan's "Central Library" has a collection of five volumes of the "Collected Poems of Wang Wen'an" published in the first year of Chenghua in the Ming Dynasty (1465), bound in 2 volumes (21.1x12.2 cm), with the title "Collected by Nanyou" at the end of the main volume, and a preface. There is a biography of Shangshu Wang Wen'an written by Chen Jingzong of Nanjing Guozi in the Siming Dynasty. It has 10 lines in half a page and 25 characters in each line. It has double columns, a black margin and a double fish tail. The seals in the book include: "Wuxing Liu Shijia/Yetang Collection Secretary" Zhu Wen's long square seal "Collected by the National Central Library" Zhu Wen's square seal "Liu Rong/Chun Jing/Eye Seal" white text seal, " Boguzhai/Collection of Good Books"Zhu Wenfang Seal and so on. The Nanjing Library has 5 volumes of "Collected Poems of Wang Wen'an" and 6 volumes of "Collected Works of Wang Wen'an", including the Qing Dynasty Ye's Pu Xuezhai (Ding Bingba) and the Song Dynasty's Rongguang Lou (ten lines and 25 characters without frames). transcript. Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House published it based on the photocopy of the leaf edition, and included it in 1,327 volumes of the "Continuation of Sikuquanshu". The anthology contains a lot of content involving Jinxi, and a large amount of documentary materials are preserved.