Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty was a seven-year-old scholar. I saw the previous ghost story under my father's pillow and secretly read it. Father said, "Why did you steal my secret?" Xihe just laughed. Mother said, "Do you think we should use brushwork?" Seeing that he was young, his father was afraid that he couldn't hide it and said, "I'll teach you when you are an adult." Xihe's invitation: "Use it today. Treating adults will be afraid of children's orders. " Father was very happy, so he followed. If the month is not profitable, the book will make great progress.
When Mrs Wei saw this, she kept talking. Wang Ce said, "This son must know how to use a pen. When he sees his book, he will become smart. " Snoring, he said, "This child is going to stamp my name!" When the Jin Emperor was in the Jin Dynasty, he offered sacrifices to the northern suburbs, and even wished the edition, and the work was cut into the wood. (Excerpted from Zhang's book Breaking Wang Xizhi in the Tang Dynasty)
Wang Xizhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the son of Wang Kuang, was good at writing at the age of seven. When I was twelve years old, I happened to see a book about calligraphy of the previous generation under his father's pillow and stole it. His father said, "Why are you peeking at my secret things?" Wang Xizhi smiled and didn't answer. His mother said, "Did you see the way to write with a pen?" Seeing that Wang Xizhi was still young, his father was worried that he could not keep a secret strictly, so he said, "I will teach you to write when you grow up." Wang Xizhi prayed to his father, "Use this book now. If I wait until I grow up to read this book, I am afraid I will bury my wonderful talents when I was young. " His father was very happy and gave him the book. In less than a month, the level of calligraphy has been greatly improved.
Seeing Wang Xizhi's handwriting, Mrs Wei said to Wang Ce, a Taichang official, "This child must have read books about the secrets of calligraphy. Recently, I saw his handwriting, which has the wisdom of a sophisticated person. " Mrs. Wei said with tears: "This child will definitely cover up my reputation in the future!" When the Jin Emperor held a sacrifice in the northern suburbs, he replaced the wooden block used to worship the gods. The craftsman cut the wooden block and found that there was Wang Xizhi's handwriting in the wooden block three points deep.