Following The Difficulty of Entering the Palace, Duke Jing of Jin used Zhao's field as a place of "harmony". Sad for the succession of the public, he "started to make a hundred officials" and sealed him as the deputy commander of the Chinese army. When I was fair to the public, I was reinstated as a public doctor. When I go to the theater, I am more free, and I basically don't ask about politics. Qi Xi reigned for about sixty years and was a veteran of the four dynasties. He is loyal to the public and the country, eager for public interests, widely known and deeply loved by the people. Yuxian and Qixian have Doctor Qi Temple.
He once recommended his father-killer Xie Hu to take his place.
Extended data:
The allusions of Qi Huangyang:
Qixi jianxian
In the second year of Zhou Lingwang (570 BC), Tanabata retired due to old age. Aigong asked, "Who can take the post of lieutenant in the Chinese Army?" So I recommended Xie Hu, who had been enemies with me. But Xie Hu died before he took office. The mourners asked him again, "Who can take over the post of Lieutenant Zhong Jun?" He replied, "My son Wu Qi can." Soon, China's army also lost a sheep's tongue assistant.
When Ai Gong asked him for advice again, he recommended Yang Tong's son to Ai Gong. Ai Gong asked, "Why do you recommend both your enemies and those close to you?" Qi Xi replied, "The master asked who is capable, not about his relationship with me!" " Mourning was considered reasonable, so Wu Qi was appointed as the deputy commander and Yang Tongchi, the son of Yang Tong, was appointed as his assistant.
Baidu encyclopedia-tanabata