Qingshan village belongs to which province and which city.

Qingshan Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Longtai Town, Wushan County, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, with the urban-rural classification code of 22. The zoning code is 625241922, and the first 6 digits of the resident ID number are 62524. The postal code is 741, the long-distance telephone area code is 938, and the license plate number is Gan E. Qingshan Village is adjacent to yanggang, Goumen Village, Donggou Village, Dongzhuang Village, Jiashan Village, Ma Nian Village, Wangshan Village, Longshan Village, Dazhuang Village, Yangzui Village, Yangyang Village and Shanyangping Village.

There are Wushan water curtain cave, Wushan Vegetable Science and Technology Demonstration Park, Muti Temple, Woniu Mountain Forest Park, and the Memorial Hall of the Red Army's Long March crossing the Weihe River near Qingshan Village. There are Wushan garlic seedlings, Wushan leeks, Wushan jade carvings, Wushan sesame oil bean paste, Wushan luminous cups and other specialties.