Wang Huizhi is respected by his father, so people pay more attention to him, but he always indulges himself like a child. For example, when he was in charge of horses under others, he didn't even know what his official position was or how many horses he was in charge of. Over time, people all know that Wang Huizhi is careless and often does whatever he wants. Compared with other sons of Wang Xizhi, what Wang Huizhi did was unacceptable.
However, Wang Huizhi's style of doing things is not too much, but he is not interested in being an official, but only interested in writing some elegant poems. On one occasion, it snowed heavily. I wrote poetry and thought of my friend, so I walked 200 miles by boat. But when I arrived at my friend's door, I turned around and left. People are confused about his strange behavior, usually arbitrary, and finally everyone is no longer too surprised by what he has done.
Some people say that Wang Huizhi's talent can be compared with Wang Xizhi's, but Wang Huizhi's personality is really headstrong, which is different from other celebrities in general history. What he does is always surprising. Slowly, people paid little attention to his talent, but paid great attention to what he did. Perhaps this is because Wang Huizhi doesn't want to be a very restrained person. When he knows that he is drunk today, he is so headstrong.