I remember hearing a little story about Wang Xianzhi practicing calligraphy when I was a child. It is said that Wang Xianzhi wrote a big character to his father Wang Xizhi when he was a child, and then his father added a dot to the character, and then he took it to his mother to see if his writing was good or not. His mother said that only one point is beautiful, so Wang Xianzhi knew the gap between him and his father and began to practice calligraphy more.
Later, he completely finished writing eight barrels of ink, which shows how hard he worked. He became a famous calligrapher in China, and he was also called "double king" with his father. It can be said that Wang Xianzhi's achievement is inseparable from his father's example. Without the influence of his father, he may not have that kind of goal and perseverance, so he can't achieve that high. Of course, his own efforts also accounted for a large part.
If he only has a degree but doesn't do practical things, his achievements will be limited, even though his father is Wang Xizhi. So it is no accident that Wang Xianzhi can achieve such good results. Any success needs paying. There is nothing in the world for nothing. Wang Xianzhi is not only because he has an excellent father, but also because he has a firm learning heart.