How to use PS to create the effect of splashed ink characters
The specific steps to use PS to create the effect of splashed ink characters are as follows:
1. First, click to open PS
, create a layer with a white background.
2. Then create a new blank layer 1, set the foreground color to black, and select the brush tool.
3. Then double-click layer 1, and a dialog box will automatically pop up. In this dialog box, click Gradient Overlay, set the parameters to default, and press the OK button.
4. Then select the two layers, then hold down the "Ctrl+e" keys on the keyboard to merge them, then execute Filter-Brush Stroke-Splash, and then adjust the parameters. Set up, and then it's done. How to make ink effect in PS
Backup materials: Photoshop, computer.
1. Draw a circle: After opening PS, use the left button on the layer. Use the circle tool on the side to draw a circle of a custom size, as indicated by the red arrow in the figure below.
2. Fill it with black, as shown in the figure below.
3. Use the eraser tool to select the eraser shape. , the size is as shown in the picture below.
4. Paint the edges: Enlarge the picture. Only by enlarging can the P be beautiful. Use the eraser tool to paint from the center of the circle to the surroundings. Use the ink effect around the circle. It is not just dots, so the ink effect is completed.
5. Insert pictures: If you want to increase the picture effect, you can insert pictures of people into the graphics. You can freely choose how to make ink in PS. Brush calligraphy
The first step is to choose the basic font of the text
Choose the font you like and type the text you need in the content area. I usually do it one by one because of the preview The display area is limited, and a single word can be made larger.
At this time, we use a screenshot to directly capture the word "special"
Then open Photoshop to create a new canvas Ctrl+N. ,
Paste the words into the canvas Ctrl+CCtrl+V
Then use PS’s magic wand tool
We will use the magic wand tool again and click directly. Select the black part, select the font, and then invert the selection
Ctrl+Shift+I_ to delete the white background and get the transparent font.
We repeat these steps to get four buttons.
Of course you can also directly download a "
Yan Zhenqing
Yan Ti
Calligraphy font
"The reason why I do it online is because you don't have to use only one font. You can choose multiple calligraphy styles online.
Sometimes you can flexibly match multiple calligraphy styles. Fonts are combined.