When was Wang Xizhi appointed as the magistrate of Wenzhou (Yongjia County)?

Wang Xizhi (303-361) was born in Linyi (now Shandong) and lived in Yin Shan (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang). Born into a noble family. Father Wang Kuang, Huainan satrap. From the Prime Minister Dao in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Early Yuan Dynasty. When he was a child, he learned calligraphy from his cousin, Mrs. Wei, and later from his former calligraphers, becoming the most famous calligrapher in history. At the beginning, he was Secretary Lang. He has served as General Ningyuan and General Right Army, and has been praised as "Wang Youjun" by the world. In the third year of Yonghe in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (347), he served as the magistrate of Yongjia.

-from historical materials, I hope I can help you.