Answers to Ji Zhanzi Siyuan Chinese reading

Read the following classical Chinese text and complete questions (1) to (4).

Ying Zhan, courtesy name Siyuan, was from Nandun, Runan. Zhan Yougu was raised by his grandmother. When my grandmother passed away, she was in mourning. Then she raised her staff and expressed her filial piety. The family is rich in wealth, but young and weak, so they invite the clan members to live in the house and entrust them with their assets. They love each other like close relatives, which is different in the world. The nature is simple and elegant, and although things are offensive, it is not a school. It is known for its academic articles. When Situ Heshao saw him, he said: "You are a gentleman!" Liu Hong, the general of Zhennan, was asked to be the chief historian and entrusted with military and political affairs. The great achievements of Hannan are due to Zhan's strength. Du Chou, a thief from Hui Shu, caused trouble and came to attack Zhan County and destroyed it with all his strength. Xun and Tao Kan defeated Du Tao in Changsha. The thieves were full of gold and treasure, but Zhan took nothing but books. Everyone sighed. Wang Chong, a native of Chen, supported the Jingzhou people, took Zhan Ming's name, and welcomed him as the governor. Zhan Yichong and other scoundrels abandoned him and returned to Nanping, but Chong did not complain. This is how it is favored. He moved to Yizhou to be the governor and led the army in Badong. When Zhan Zhi left the county, the common people climbed on their carriages and cried, as if they were born out of love.

Russia worshiped the general of the rear army. Zhan Shangshu Chen Jiaiyai said: "After the great famine, when the system is reformed, it is appropriate for the Sihui to rectify the constitution. If Sheng De Yuan Gong is first promoted as the head, then the transformation of the saintly world will be compared to that of Long, Tang and Yu." Emperor Yuan was Yazhong. His talents should be deeply appreciated. When Jidun rebelled, Emperor Ming asked Zhan for his plans. Zhan Liran said generously: "Your Majesty should uphold the power of Hess. The ministers should be the vanguard of the war. We can rely on the spirit of the ancestral temple to conquer without fighting. If not, the royal family will be in danger." The thieves crossed the river from the bamboo grid, and Zhan and Jian General Wei Zhao Yin and others defeated him. After the thief was defeated, he was granted the title of Marquis of Guanyang County, with a settlement of 1,600 households. Shangshu Rang said: "Although I serve as a team, there is no strategy and no effort." No. At that time, Wang Dun was in Xinping, and people were not at ease. Zhan Fu cherished him, and everyone liked him, and the people relied on him. Jidu died in the sixth year of Xianhe at the age of fifty-three.

At the beginning, when Wei Hong was in chaos in Beijing, his relatives suffered from famine and epidemic, and they traveled to Luoyang. They heard about Zhan's name and relied on him. Zhan and Yu share joys and sorrows, love each other like brothers, and recommend him to Emperor Yuan. Since then, he has been at least the minister of government. After being benefited by Zhan Shengsheng, Zhan died, so he made his friend's clothes, cried to stop the grass, followed the Zhao family's intention of offering sacrifices to Cheng Ying and Chujiu, and offered sacrifices to Zhan throughout his life. "Book of Jin·Biography No. 40"

(1) Regarding the interpretation of the underlined words in the following sentences, the incorrect one is ( )

A. Entrusted with assets, love is like a close relative? Entrusted: entrusted.

B. Su Fu Zhan Ming, welcomed as the governor? Su: always.

C. Zhan caressed and cherished it? Huai: miss.

D. Hong's achievements in Hannan? His works: significant.

(2) Among the following sets of sentences, the one that expresses Ying Zhan's "receiving favor" and "getting favor" respectively is ( )

A. When Situ Heshao saw him, he said: "A gentleman is just like a human being!"/If you abandon Nanping and return it, you will not complain

B. Emperor Yuan valued his talents and accepted them deeply/The common people climbed on their carriages and cried, as if they were born of love

C. Su heard of Zhan's name, so he relied on him/Su heard of Zhan's name and welcomed him as the governor

D. The ministers should be the vanguard of the war / the common people will rely on them

(3) In the following analysis and summary of the relevant content of the original text, one of the incorrect ones is ( )

A. Ying Zhan is very filial. His grandmother died, and he was so weak from grief that he had to use crutches to walk. The tribe's life was not rich, so he invited her to live with her at home.

B. Wang Chong admired Ying Zhan's reputation and respectfully asked him to serve as the governor of Jingzhou. Ying Zhan thought Wang Chong was a "rogue" and left Jingzhou. Wang Chong did not blame him.

C. Ying Zhan was deeply loved by the people and went to Yizhou to take office. The people pulled the carriage and were reluctant to let him go. After putting down Wang Dun's rebellion, he managed to stabilize people's hearts and won the trust of the people.

D. Wei Hong was not a relative of Ying Zhan, but Ying Zhan not only rescued him, shared joys and sorrows with him, but also recommended him in front of Emperor Yuan. Ying Zhan's righteousness was rewarded, and Wei Hong dedicated his life to him.

(4) Translate the underlined sentences in classical Chinese reading materials into modern Chinese.

①A school where things are violated but not violated is called academic articles.


②When Zhan left the county, the common people climbed on their carriages and cried, as if they were born in love.


③After today’s great famine, the system needs to be reformed and it is appropriate to rectify the constitution.



(1) C (2) B (3) A (4) ① Even if others are offended, he will not He cares about things and is praised for his knowledge and articles.

②When Ying Zhan left Nanping County, the scholars and common people pulled the carriage and cried bitterly, as if they were nostalgic for the parents who gave birth to them. ③Now, the turmoil has just ended and it is time for national system reform and creation. We should take advantage of this opportunity to rectify and revise the law. ?


(1) C (comfort)

(2) B (A. He Shao’s words of praise/to gain favor; C. Wei Hong's admiration for him/get favors (respected); D. Ying Zhanbiao's determination/people's trust in him)

(3) A ("The tribe is not rich" has no basis in the text, His behavior of helping his tribe cannot be regarded as a kind of filial piety)

(4) See translation.

Reference translation:

Ying Zhan, named Siyuan, was from Nandun, Runan. Ying Zhan's father died when he was very young and he was raised by his grandmother. My grandmother passed away. During the mourning period, she was extremely sad and physically weak. She needed a cane to stand up, so she became famous for her filial piety. Ying Zhan's family was very wealthy but he was young, so he invited his tribe members to live together at home and entrusted them with the management of the family property. They were affectionate like very close relatives, so people in the society valued him particularly. Ying Zhansheng had a simple and elegant nature. Even if others offended him, he would not care. He was praised for his knowledge and articles. Situ Heshao saw him and said: "This man is really a gentleman!"

He began to be recruited by the government to serve as the prince's minister. Liu Hong, the general of Zhennan, hired him as the chief historian and entrusted him with all major military and political affairs. Liu Hong's outstanding political achievements in Hannan were mainly due to Ying Zhan. It happened that Du Chou in Shu region rebelled and came to attack the county where Ying Zhan was located. After a hard battle, Du Chou's rebels were defeated. Buyi, together with Tao Kan, defeated Du Tao in Changsha. Among the rebel supplies captured, there were many gold and silver treasures. Ying Zhan did not take any of them, only some books, and everyone sighed for them. Wang Chong, a native of Chen, had many soldiers stationed in Jingzhou. He always admired Ying Zhan's reputation and welcomed him as the governor of Jingzhou. Ying Zhan believed that Wang Chong and others had no talent and were useless, so he resigned from his official position and returned to Nanping. Wang Chong did not resent Ying Zhan. He was so admired. He was promoted to the governor of Yizhou and concurrently served as the supervisor of the Badong army. When Ying Zhan left Nanping County, the scholars and common people pulled the carriage and cried bitterly, as if they were nostalgic for the parents who gave birth to them.

Soon Ying Zhan was awarded the title of General of the Rear Army. Ying Zhan Shangshu reported on the timely things that were beneficial to the country and said: "Now, the turmoil has just ended, it is the time for the reform and creation of the national system. We should take this opportunity to rectify and revise the laws, and first recommend those who have noble moral character and great achievements. People should be rewarded first, so that their social education can be comparable to that of Yu Shun." Emperor Yuan valued his talents and fully adopted his suggestions. When Wang Dun rebelled, Emperor Ming asked Zhan how to deal with it. Ying Zhan Chenci said generously: "Your Majesty should use the power of the emperor's anger. We will definitely go in front with weapons. We hope that with the blessing of our ancestors' spirits in heaven, we can send troops to attack without encountering resistance. If not, the country will be in trouble." There is danger." The rebels crossed the river from Zhuge, and Ying Zhan, together with General Jianwei Zhao Yin and others, defeated the rebels. After the rebellion subsided, Emperor Yuan conferred the title of Marquis of Guanyang County on Ying Zhan, with a settlement of 1,600 households. Ying Zhan Shangshu declined and said: "Although I barely participated in the battle, I didn't come up with any strategies and I didn't have any credit for charging into Chen." Emperor Yuan disagreed. At this time, Wang Dun's rebellion had just been put down, and the people's mood was not yet stable. Ying Zhan tried his best to comfort the people, and the people were very happy and trusted him. Ying Zhan was seriously ill and died in the sixth year of Xianhe at the age of fifty-three.

At the beginning, Wei Hong of Jingzhao was in political turmoil. His relatives died of famine and plague, and he fled to Luoyang. Wei Hong had heard about Ying Zhan's reputation, so he went to seek refuge with him. Ying Zhan shared the joys and sorrows with him, and his relationship was like a brother, and recommended him to Emperor Yuan. Wei Hong later became at least a minister of government. Since I had been favored by Ying Zhan for his help and recommendation, after Ying Zhan died, he ordered mourning clothes for his friends, cried loudly, and lived next to Ying Zhan's grave. This can be compared with the morality of Zhao's orphans in offering sacrifices to Cheng Ying and Chujiu, and to sacrifice them throughout their lives. Ying Zhan.