Xie Taifu got together on a cold snowy day and talked with his children about the meaning of paper. Soon, it snowed heavily, and the guardian said happily, "What kind of snow is this?" ? "Xie Lang, his brother's eldest son, said," The air in the air is almost comparable. "."Brother and daughter said, "If the catkins were not caused by the wind." Imperial guards laughed. She is the daughter of Xie An, the daughter of Xie An, and the wife of the left-wing general Wang Ningzhi.
On a cold snowy day, Taifuxie held a family gathering to talk about poetry with his son and nephew. Soon, it snowed heavily, and Mrs. Xie said happily, "What is this heavy snow like?" My brother's eldest son, Xie Lang, said, "This is almost comparable to sprinkling salt in the air."
Xie Daowen, his brother's daughter, said, "It's better to compare the catkins flying all over the sky with style." Teacher Xie smiled happily. She is the daughter of Xie Wuyi, the eldest brother of Xie Taifu, and the wife of General Zuo.
Liu Yiqing's Shi Shuo Xin Yu Yong Xue in Song Dynasty
Extended data:
Appreciation of original text
Appreciation of Poetry Ode to Snow is selected from Shi Shuo Xin Yu Yan, which concisely outlines the scene of Xie's children singing poems and snow on the spot in a snowy day and a falling snow, showing a relaxed and harmonious picture of ancient family cultural life. The article appreciates Xie Daowen's literary talent by describing his demeanor and supplementing his identity.
Related figures
Xie Daowen (349-409), a poetess in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was a famous talented woman. She was born in the Xie family of Wang and Xie in the Jin Dynasty, and Chen Junyang (now Taikang, Henan Province) was the daughter-in-law of the Wang family when she became an adult.
Xie Daowen is the niece of Xie An, a great general who defeated Fu Jian in the late Eastern Jin Dynasty, the daughter of Xie Yi, the great calligrapher Wang Xizhi, and the wife of Wang Ningzhi. Xie Daowen was clever and eloquent, and was later called peerless talented woman and strange girl.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Shi Shuo Xin Yu Yong Xue