Wang Xizhi was a calligrapher and sage in Jin Dynasty. He left a great reputation in history for his outstanding calligraphy achievements. Wang Xizhi once wrote Bamboo Board. Because of its vigorous brushwork, vigorous brushwork, and two-thirds deep handwriting, its word is "through wood". Wang Xizhi has been practicing calligraphy hard since he was seven years old. Every day, he not only writes when he is studying, but also tries to figure out the structure, shelf and momentum of the font when he is resting. After a long time, he hooked and pulled up his skirt and cut his clothes. After writing every day, he washes his pen in the pool at the door. Because I kept writing and washing pens all the year round, the water in the pool turned black. He was so absorbed in writing that he once dipped the steamed bread sent by his mother in ink by mistake.
The reason why Wang Qian can become a generation of "book saints" lies in his long-term hard practice of calligraphy. The ancients said, "As long as the kung fu is deep, the iron pestle is ground into a needle.". This winter vacation, my biggest gain is through this story. I understand that if I want to do anything well, I will succeed as long as I work hard and persist for a long time. From now on, I must learn this spirit and learn every subject well.