Where is Yan Laozhuang Village?

Yan Laozhuang Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Jialing Town, Xiangcheng City, Zhoukou City, Henan Province. The urban-rural classification code is 220, which is a village. The zoning code is 4 1 168 1103204, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 411681. The postal code is 466000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0394, and the license plate number is Yu P. Yan Laozhuang Village and Jialing Village, Madian Village, Fan Lou Village, Han Zhuang Village, Pangzhuang Village, Yan Laozhai Village, Lao Lei Zi Village, Dacao Village, Suge Village, Luyanzhuang Village, Daliu Village, Yanmei Village, Wenlou Village, Ouzhai Village and Songzhuang Village.

There are some tourist attractions near Yan Laozhuang village, such as ghost town, Yuan Shikai's former residence in Xiangcheng (Yuan's former residence), Fenquanhe National Wetland Park, Zhuge Liang's "teacher's watch" in Yue Fei's calligraphy, Maozhong site, and other specialties, such as Xiangcheng White Sesame, Xiangcheng White Sesame, Pan Zhuanghong Potato, Ruyang Liushua and Sundian Hot Tofu.