So the king went to ask one of his ministers, "Are you happy every day?" The minister replied to the king, "Yes, I am very happy every day." "Then why are you happy?" The minister continued to answer: "I am happy because I am glad that I am not like those poor farmers. I have eaten this meal and worried about the next one." I have food, clothes and shelter. Life gives me happiness. I don't want anything anymore. I am happy for my happy life. "The king listened and wanted to think.
The king went to ask a poor farmer again, "Are you happy?" The farmer smiled and replied, "Your Majesty, I live happily." The king then asked, "How can you be happy if you don't have enough to eat every day?" "Because I live a full life. And unlike those blind people, I can't see this beautiful world, and darkness is always with them. I am very healthy, and I am glad that I have a healthy body. " The king nodded in confusion.
The blind man's answer surprised the king. He asked doubtfully. "My minister is happy for his well-fed life; Poor farmers are happy to have a healthy body; What do you have? " "Life" the blind man firmly replied, "God is still very kind to me, because he gave me life. I'm not like those people who have an incurable disease and linger on the edge of life and death all day. At least, I live in this world. "
After listening to the words of the blind man, the king suddenly realized: "Happiness is as simple as that. As long as you cherish what you have and satisfy what you have, happiness is everywhere. " Since then, the king has lived a happy life every day.
Friends, let's find happiness around us together!
The meaning of happy composition 2 The meaning of life? This is a topic that has been said a thousand times. As long as anything exists, it must have its meaning, and so does life. In my opinion, the meaning of life lies in happiness.
What is the standard of happiness? Everyone has his own yardstick. For my life, for my happiness, I think doing what I want is the greatest happiness. Read the books you want to read, learn what you want to learn, follow the path you want to go and be the person you want to be. ...
But "nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory", and we can't do whatever we want. At this time, you should learn to turn "unhappy" into "happy" and "unhappy" into "happy" There is an old lady who has two daughters. One sells umbrellas and the other sells kites.
On rainy days, the old lady worried that her youngest daughter's kite could not be sold. On sunny days, the old lady worried about where her eldest daughter's umbrella could be sold. Then she told her neighbors about her worries. The neighbors said, "You just need to think,' When it rains, my daughter sells more umbrellas, and when it rains, my little daughter earns more kites." "The old lady is happy at the thought of it, and gradually becomes cheerful and healthy. There are many such examples. One thing you look at optimistically will make you happy, and another thing will make you sad.
So happiness is very important to be reflected in mood and attitude.
Imagine, a person's life is always worried about this, worrying about that, thinking hard and dying of depression. So even if this man did something great before his life, what is the meaning of his life? All he got was trouble. And if we live with an optimistic mood and attitude, everything in life, regardless of setbacks and pains, has its own happy place. Even if life is short and hard, at least you will die without regret, which is enough.
Realize the meaning of life and start with your happiness every day.
The meaning of happy composition 3 When listening to a book in the morning, I heard a deja vu story. It's about a conversation between a fisherman and a rich man at the seaside.
One sunny day, on a beautiful beach, a fisherman was sunbathing, and next to him lay a rich man who was sunbathing on vacation. Then the rich man said to the fisherman, why don't you spend some money to buy a big boat, and when you have enough money, invite more people, so that you can enjoy the sunshine here leisurely without doing anything like me.
As a result, the fisherman said, "am I sunbathing now?"
Many people analyze this story as the meaning of happiness in life, that is, whether your happiness should be enjoyed after the struggle, whether you are enjoying it during the struggle, and whether you are in a state of contentment.
Although some people say that the fisherman's vision is too short-sighted, his sunbathing at this time is different from that of the rich. His leisure is temporary, and he will have to worry about three meals a day in the future, while the rich man is really idle because someone has prepared three meals a day for him.
But who can say that at this time, their feelings of sunbathing together are different, the same is warm sunshine, the same is comfortable state of mind, and the same is relaxed state of mind. Only when the sun goes down and the sun is full will their mentality be different. But does this difference really have to be who is happier than who?
The fisherman is worried about the next meal. Do rich people really have no worries?
Perhaps because of this, the word contentment has become the mantra of many people. The meaning of happiness is measured differently in everyone's mind.
I often wonder what happiness is. Some people say that happiness is eating snacks; Some people say that happiness is reading; Some people say that happiness is playing beautiful music. ...
One day, our math teacher suddenly asked us to take an exam. We are not ready, but there is nothing we can do! And it's fun to have a pair of deskmates in our class. One of them is a study committee member, and the other is a poor student. Moreover, the poor student often copied the math problems of our study Committee. Copy it if you say so, and this time he copied all the names. Great! I don't know which one is the real study Committee paper and which one is false. There happened to be a math class in the afternoon. Our math teacher didn't deal with it, but began to talk about a new lesson. Students, do you know why? She transferred to another school because of the study committee member of our class! None of us know which is true and which is false. This happened in the next semester of senior one. Listen, it's been five semesters. How time flies! Through this incident, I understand that we can't copy cheat sheets, but when the students around us have problems that we can't, of course, we can't ignore them, but do them after class!
Some people think that cheating can easily get full marks, some people think that being a boss can win the world, some people think that beating people can live happily, some people think that being a thief can become a millionaire, and some people think that her poor family will help her, but we still firmly believe that helping others is the real happiness, and happiness happens around us every day.
Author: Lin Siyuan, Yipin Education Instructor: Cao Lihong
The meaning of happiness composition 5 September 22nd is the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival. My family went to my grandmother's house and had a round Mid-Autumn Festival.
When I came to my grandmother's house, my brothers and sisters had been waiting for me for a long time and craned their necks. When they saw me, they all gathered around me excitedly and shouted to play games together. So, we started playing hide-and-seek and said that whoever won would get a moon cake. Because my grandmother's house has three floors, it's fun to play this game. I hid myself in a small storage room, but my brother and sister couldn't find me. I was so anxious that I shouted, "Brother, where are you?"? Come out! " As soon as I walked out of the storage room with a smile, the winner won the Mid-Autumn Moon Cake Award. However, I don't eat all by myself. I cut the moon cake into three parts and share it with my brother and sister. Everyone praised me as a sensible and lovely boy.
In the afternoon, the heavy rain finally stopped, and the sky was particularly blue. Looking at the badminton racket behind my grandmother's house, I excitedly took it down and asked my grandfather to play badminton with me. I can't play at first, I can't even serve, let alone attack. I'm a little impatient, but grandpa always patiently teaches me not to be discouraged. Watching my brothers and sisters cheer for me, I practice harder. After a while, I can finally serve and catch the ball, and I can fight with my grandfather. I am very happy. Although I was sweating profusely, I persisted until the end. By the time I came into the room for dinner, I was exhausted, but I was very happy in my heart, because I learned to play badminton and learned that no matter what I do, I will succeed as long as I work hard.
This is really a happy and meaningful Mid-Autumn Festival!
The Meaning of Happiness Composition 6 Happiness is a word that people often mention, but what is the real meaning of happiness?
Last summer vacation, because I was too naughty, I accidentally broke my arm and became a "one-armed man", so I stayed at home all day to "raise" my arm. Alas, boring, boring, or boring. Just then, my best friend Gong called me happily and said that he would sell some "years" he had accumulated. Anyway, I have nothing to do at home, so we made an appointment and started our promotion.
We really deserve to be friends, and we cooperated very tacitly from the beginning. I am responsible for the publicity of the rolling ring, and Gong Baiyan is responsible for the sales. Although we sell at most two or three a day, we still have to post the time and our parents have to run errands with us, which is really a bit uneconomical, but we still enjoy it. Although I am a "one-armed man", my hand is not worse than their two hands on the roller ring. Sometimes when there are many people, I will act as a coach and teach those novices, because as long as they know, they will roll back and forth, which will promote us and save our strength!
After a lot of "model" publicity, many people have come to take care of our business. Although many people came to join in the fun, few people actually bought it. Many people passed by here, saw it and began to praise us: "You have a business mind at such a young age, and you will definitely make a lot of money in the future!" But where do they know that we are here for internship and fresh air? What can we do if we really want to make money? We must go out and sell hoop. We only earn more than 30 yuan a day, and then the cost of going out is less than 10 yuan, which is not enough for those efforts.
Even so, we meet every day except when the weather is bad. After a holiday, we should be strangers, but we are more familiar.
I seem to understand what happiness means overnight: happiness is not a material reward, but a spiritual supplement.
The Significance of Happiness Composition 7 Today is the first day of our winter vacation, and we feel very relaxed! But I got up before seven o'clock, because I made a winter vacation plan with my mother last night, so I have to match my words with my deeds! I want to have a happy, full and meaningful winter vacation. Let's look at my plan:
1. winter vacation homework who completed math and English seriously, completion date1February 3, doing 6 pages every day.
Second, read for at least half an hour every day. Books include The Story of the Stupid Wolf, The School Life of the Stupid Wolf, How Did They Come from, The Story of Being a Man, The Kind Giant and The Children's Encyclopedia. Write a review or diary of 10 or above.
Third, hold the 8th Family Reading Club, with the participants: Dad, Mom, Grandpa and me.
Fourth, master 26 English letters.
Practice typing every day, memorize keyboard and fingering, and improve typing speed.
Six, help my mother clean up, I am responsible for cleaning furniture and washing slippers; Clean the room, clean the glass, and clean the public health area in the corridor with my mother.
7. Visit geological museum and Science and Technology Museum in Zhengzhou and write 1-2 travel notes.
Eight, copy copybooks every day to prepare for the hard pen calligraphy competition.
Exercise actively. I like many sports: playing basketball, badminton, playing football, punching cards, assembling toys and riding bicycles.
Ten, after the New Year, simply preview the second book of grade two, and my mother will explain it to me. I am full of confidence in my study next semester.
This is my winter vacation plan, which is rich in content. In fact, as long as it is carried out according to the plan, it is still very easy. My mother helped me break it down. The study time every day is no more than two hours! I like reading with my mother, so the reading time is unlimited! Arrange the rest of the time by yourself! Happy holidays to the students! I wish all my friends a happy, full and meaningful winter vacation!
The Meaning of Happiness Composition 8 In everyone's life, every day is different, some are happy, some are sad, some are regretless ... My day makes me feel both happy and meaningful.
One Sunday, it was snowing heavily. I wrote more than half of the winter vacation homework left by the teacher in one breath. I have been reluctant to watch TV. What should I do? "ah!" Mom sneezed. Gee, I thought, isn't mom sick? I just took this opportunity to help her with the housework. Isn't this a great help to mom's recovery? In addition, this is also a good opportunity for me to show my talents. So I prepared the "tools" and prepared to "start work".
I looked around and found that the kitchen dishes were not brushed. I ran over, rolled up my sleeves, and recalled my mother's usual way of washing dishes-picking up the bowl and brushing the edge and back of the bowl by hand ... I finished washing the dishes in less than 10 minutes.
Next, I picked up the broom and swept the floor gently. The room is a little cleaner, but there are still some corners that are a little dirty. So I went to fetch some water, brought a rag, knelt on the ground and wiped every corner of the room. The room will be clean soon. "Ah ..." I stretched myself and looked around. Wow! It took me more than an hour to finish this dirty hut. At this time, the mother who just woke up came over and was frightened by the scene in front of her. She thought it was sleepwalking. My mother praised me, and my heart was filled with joy.
Although I am tired of doing housework, I am always in a good mood. And let me realize how tired my mother is doing housework at ordinary times. In the future, I must help my mother share some housework and be a good student with excellent academic performance!
This is really a happy and meaningful day!
The Meaning of Happiness Composition 9 Happiness is a word that people often mention, but what is the real meaning of happiness?
Last summer vacation, because I was too naughty, I accidentally broke my arm and became a "one-armed man", so I stayed at home all day to "raise" my arm. Alas, boring, boring, or boring. Just then, my best friend Gong called me happily and said that he would sell some "years" he had accumulated. Anyway, I have nothing to do at home, so we made an appointment and started our promotion.
We really deserve to be friends. We worked well together from the beginning. I am responsible for the publicity of the rolling ring, and Gong Baiyan is responsible for the sales. Although we sell two or three pieces a day at most, we still have to post the time, but our parents still have to run errands with us. It's a bit uneconomical, but we still like this ring. Although I am a "one-armed man", my hand is not worse than their two hands on the roller ring. Sometimes when there are many people, I will act as a coach and teach some novices, because as long as they know, they will roll back and forth, which will promote us and save effort!
After a lot of "model" publicity, many people have come to take care of our business. Although many people came to join in the fun, few people actually bought it. Many people passed by here, saw it, and began to praise us: "You have a business mind at such a young age, and you will definitely make a lot of money in the future!" But where do they know that we are here for internship and fresh air? If we really want to make money, we can't see why we can't. We must go out and sell hoop. We only earn more than 30 yuan a day, and then the cost of going out is less than 10 yuan, which is not enough for those efforts.
Even so, we meet every day except when the weather is bad. After a holiday, we should be strangers, but we are more familiar.
I seem to understand what happiness means overnight: happiness is not a material reward, but a spiritual supplement.
The meaning of happy composition 10 Many people think that the meaning of happiness lies in eating, drinking, being rich and powerful, but I think helping others is the real happiness.
When I was a child, I always thought that playing was a kind of happiness, and I didn't change my mind until I witnessed it.
It was a cold winter, and the wind outside kept the trees dancing. Raindrops beat against the window as if to break the glass. After a while, it rained a little less, and my mother asked me to go out and buy steamed bread. Sweaters, hats, scarves, down jackets and cotton trousers, I dare not go out until I am completely wrapped up. I opened my umbrella and walked into the drizzle.
I bought steamed bread and saw an old woman sitting under the eaves of the house. The old woman wore thin and shabby clothes, her eyes were slightly closed, her lips were black, and there was a broken small bowl in front of her. I can't help feeling sorry for her and want to give her a steamed bun. But at this moment, my stomach growled loudly, and I thought, forget it! I turned to go home.
Just as I was about to shrink my neck and go home, a crisp and lovely voice sounded behind me: "Grandma, I have a sweater and some money here, please take it!" " "I turned my head and saw a little girl of eight or nine years old with a few drops of rain hanging on her lovely round face. The old woman slowly raised her head and looked at the little girl in surprise, but she didn't know what to say for a moment. The little girl heard her mother calling her, so she gave her sweater and money to her grandmother and ran away. Grandmother watched gratefully as the mother and daughter disappeared into the drizzle.
Seeing this scene, I was ashamed. I quickly took out a big steamed bun from the steamed bun bag and handed it to my grandmother. Grandma's eyes filled with tears and took a bite of steamed bread. At this time, I am very happy. I turned and left, and grandma looked at me.
Some people live a happy life, but that is hypocritical, nothing more than money, while others live a truly happy life.
What does happiness composition 1 1 mean? Books are indispensable nutrients for our growth; Is a drop of sweet rain that moistens life; It is a ray of sunshine that warms people's hearts.
From grade one to grade six, my reading experience was bittersweet.
Robinson Crusoe mainly tells: Robinson was killed in the voyage, and he drifted to an island where there was nothing. Robinson scattered the wheat he found in the field, and finally he ate the grain. There are many wild animals on this island, so Robinson must find a place to live. He worked hard and finally built a strong and beautiful house. He also built a fence around the house to prevent wild animals from attacking ... Finally, he went home and I was happy for him. I admire Robinson's spirit of surviving as a Jedi. This book tells me that in a desperate situation, don't bow to difficulties, but persevere and look for vitality!
However, The Diary of Youth is a bitter book. Kuang lost her parents when the "flower of youth" just bloomed, and her husband abandoned her in middle age. Kuang's experience is really sad. Merlin, the hero, came to Beijing to find a netizen "born for you", but he could not find a netizen. When he left by train, Born for You called him and told him that she was Merlin's neighbor and deskmate. She liked Merlin since she was a child, but Merlin always regarded her as his sister ... Merlin's love inadvertently passed him by, and I felt sorry for him. When I finished reading this book and solved all the mysteries, my first feeling was regret! Although the youth of all the characters in this book is wonderful, their youth is accompanied by regret. Therefore, we should cherish youth!
The experience of reading is like a cup of green tea. Only boiled water can make a good cup of tea. Reading is the same, only by studying wholeheartedly can you know the fun in the book!
Reading makes me happy, reading makes me grow, and I love reading!
The meaning of happiness composition 12 Do you know what happiness is? Happiness is giving, making others feel warm; Happiness is sharing, making others feel concerned; Happiness is dedication, persuasion and praise. In fact, happiness is also an invisible "key". Open the door to your heart and success. That day, I found such a "key"
My mother often says to me, "Happiness means doing something meaningful for others. Although I am not short of happiness, I think that since happiness lies in giving, I should do something meaningful. After thinking for a long time, I decided to do housework for my mother.
The opportunity has finally come. One Sunday morning, my mother answered a phone call and hurried out. My father was not at home. I had a whim, yes, mopping the floor. Do it. I first found the mop happily, then strode to the pool, carefully soaked the mop, wringed my hands and feet neatly, then rushed to the living room without stopping, bent down and stared at the ground panting, clasped the mop handle with both hands, pushed it forward and pulled it back evenly, and so on. After a while, the ground was dragged by me, and finally I was sweating.
Then I washed my socks, wiped the table and tidied my clothes. After all this, I am out of breath. Although very tired, but really happy.
Suddenly I heard footsteps, and I knew it was my mother. So I ran to open the door. My mother saw me tidy up the house. She hugged me happily and said, "My daughter has really grown up. You are great! " "My heart is full of joy.
I found the key to happiness today. I will work harder in the future and try to find more such "keys"!
The significance of happy composition 13 I read the happy elf and gained a lot.
When I first came into contact with this book, I was also dubious. My classmates recommended it to me. Therefore, I read this book carefully and protect it. As soon as I picked up this book, I was fascinated by the story and truth in it.
This book is mainly about a child named Luo Xiaobu who sells his happiness to a caterpillar. Since then, he has become a man who has everything but will not be happy. Later, he saw the walking banyan tree and met the elves in the Elf Valley ... Later, he finally found his happiness.
From this story, I understand that happiness is very important. On the surface, happiness seems to be as important as having no money, no reputation and no car. But think about it, can money buy happiness? Can fame buy happiness? Can buildings and cars bring happiness? The answer is no, happiness is a gift from God to everyone, but some people don't attach importance to happiness and just put it aside. More confused people think that happiness is a dispensable thing. If you think so, you are wrong. If you are unhappy, what should you do if you have money?
In fact, we have many things that we think are useless. Someone has been sighing: "Where is happiness?" In fact, happiness is around him. Like a greeting, a reminder, it is all happiness. As long as you don't ignore the little happiness around you. Not only happiness, but also happiness and courage are all gifts from God to each of us. We should learn to discover, cherish, give, create and be brave. In this way, all the beautiful things around us will not be left behind by us.
The meaning of happy composition 14 I had a wonderful winter vacation!
I read, draw and study at home every morning; These are my favorite things to do. My parents often take me out for a walk in the afternoon. I went to many places during the winter vacation. There are Five Blessingg Source Park, Cangnan Wharf Wanyao Ancient Village and Cangnan Wujiayuan Reservoir.
In winter, the source of Five Blessingg becomes so beautiful. Red and white wintersweet pieces bloom, and many people stop to take pictures. I also took photos. At that time, I still had a "bad" idea, and I wanted to pick a Chimonanthus praecox to go home, but then I thought, No, I am a young pioneer, and I can't do anything that damages the environment. If everyone is my idea, there will be no beautiful scenery to see in the end
In Dunwanyao ancient village, I learned that the previous houses were all made of wood, with only two floors. The bowls that the ancients ate were all made by hand. We also watched an uncle demonstrate how to make a bowl. Unfortunately, there were so many tourists at that time that I couldn't make one myself, so I had to wait for another chance.
Two days before coming back from grandma's house, we went to Wujiayuan Reservoir. Dad didn't drive this time. It took us more than an hour to reach our destination. Dad said that walking can slowly appreciate the beauty of nature. I was a little confused, knowing that I didn't understand the meaning of appreciation, and explained it to me. Then we enjoyed it happily together, haha. The dam of the reservoir is very high. My mother and I counted the steps as we walked. When we counted over a hundred, we forgot to count. Anyway, a lot, hee hee. When I reached the top of the dam, I saw a lot of water, which was very clean. Mom said that the tap water we usually drink comes from reservoirs, and there are many such reservoirs all over the country.
In addition to the happy things mentioned above, I did something happier and more meaningful today, that is, I donated part of my lucky money to children in poor mountainous areas and gave my love. The teacher also praised me for donating a lot. I'm so happy!
This is my happy and meaningful winter vacation. How do students spend their winter holidays?
The significance of happy composition 15 It's sunny today, so we set off early in the morning for Xiaoshan Social Welfare Center to participate in the activities of young reporters. The welfare center covers a wide area, with an area of more than 40 thousand square meters. The teacher said there are twelve buildings! Because the greening here is very good and the air here is very good. Walking on the tree-lined path and listening to the crisp songs of birds, we are all in a good mood.
After introducing the welfare center, the teacher introduced the children in the center to us. It is said that these children were born with some defects, so their parents left them. However, here they are all taken care of by the teachers and aunts of the center. Every child is surnamed Xiao, which means they are all children of Xiaoshan people!
After listening to the teacher's introduction, we began to make cookies with the children in the welfare center. Under the teacher's demonstration, we first pour butter and sugar powder into a large bowl and stir, then add an egg to continue stirring, and finally add a certain amount of flour until all the flour is stirred evenly, and knead it into a ball like dough with both hands. Finally, our friend rolled the dough flat with a rolling pin, cut the cake into different shapes with a mold and put it in a tray. Finally, put them in the oven and you're done!
In a short time, the whole baking room was filled with sweet fragrance, and everyone's saliva was coming out. Finally, each of us got a small box of delicious biscuits. Every child can't help but get close and smell it-it smells good! But we can't bear to eat it, because we still have a big task-giving our own cookies as gifts to grandparents in the welfare center. We visited our grandparents here room by room. According to the teacher, these grandparents have no relatives around them, and when they received our small gifts, they all showed kind smiles on their faces. I have decided to visit them here when I have the chance!
Today's activities are not only interesting, but also meaningful! What a happy day!