There is Pangu in the sun of Taihang Mountain. Among them, Chunxiang has fertile soil, lush vegetation and few residents. Or "it is said that it is surrounded by two mountains, so it is called Pangu." Or "it's a valley, the house is secluded and the potential is blocked, and the hermit lingers." My friend Li wants to live there.
I want to say, "I know the man who is called a gentleman. All the benefits were given to others, and his reputation is well-known. Sit in the temple, advance and retreat a hundred officials, and assist the emperor to give orders. When you are outside, raise the flag, bow and arrow, and the warrior is in front. The follower blocked the way, and the supplier ran along the road with his own things. He is happy and rewarded, and he is angry. " I live in seclusion, jealous of my pets and pity my beauty. A gentleman knows what the son of heaven is, but he exerts himself on the world. I ran away from it because I didn't hate it, but I was lucky.
Into the badlands, climb high and look far; Sitting on a lush tree all day, washing yourself with clear water. Meeting in the mountains is beautiful. Fishing in water is rarely eaten. You can always live comfortably. If you have a past reputation, you won't be destroyed. If you are not satisfied with your body, you should not worry about your heart. I don't know what to do, but I don't know what to do. I will do what a gentleman does not keep pace with the times.
Serve at the door of the official's house and run on the road; The feet will stumble further, the mouth will talk, and it will be dirty and shameless. If you touch the punishment, you will be slaughtered. If you are lucky, you will die of old age. What is the purpose of being a virtuous person? "
Changli Han Yu listened to his words and became strong. After drinking wine with him, he sang: "In the dish, Wei Zi's palace, the soil of the dish can be planted, and the spring of the dish can be delayed. Whoever fights for the resistance of vegetables is deep and tolerant; Dazzling, winding, like going back to the past. The happiness of food is happy, without a center; Tigers and leopards are far away, while dragons hide; Ghosts and gods protect me and forbid bad luck. Drinking and eating will lead to a long and healthy life. I would like to anoint my chariots and horses and wander all my life. "
There is a place called Pangu at the southern foot of Taihang Mountain. In the middle of the valley, the spring water is sweet, the land is fertile, the vegetation is rich and the residents are scarce. Someone said, "Because it is surrounded by two mountains, it is called' Pan'." Someone said, "This valley is quiet and steep, and it is a place where hermits haunt." My friend Li Yuan lives in seclusion here.
Li Yuan once said: "People call it a gentleman, and I know it too well. That is to be kind to others and make his reputation and harmony known to the world. They sat on the temple, appointed and dismissed civil and military officials, and assisted the son of heaven in issuing imperial edicts. When you get to other places, you set up flags and list bows and arrows. The samurai shouted in front and the attendants blocked the road. The waiters and waitresses ran along the road with their own things. Happiness is rewarded, and anger is punished. Talented people crowded in front of them. They praised their past great merits and taught each other, which sounded good and not boring. In addition, there are those beautiful women with curved eyebrows and plump faces, with crisp voice, light posture, beautiful appearance and intelligent mind, skirts fluttering gently, long sleeves dragging low, blushing, eyebrows painted green, comfortably raised in rows of back rooms, jealous of others' favor when they lose their dependence, and striving for beauty in order to get love. This is what courageous people who are appreciated by the son of heaven and have made contributions to the contemporary era have done. I don't hate these things, and I don't deliberately escape, but everyone has their own life and can't get away from it.
"If you live a poor and secluded life among the grass fields, you can look up and sit in the lush Woods all day long and wash yourself very clean with clear spring water. Picked from the mountains, sweet and delicious; I caught it from the water. It's tender and edible. There is no certain time to live and work, as long as you are comfortable. It is better not to be slandered behind your back than to hear praise in person; It is better to be carefree than to be happy. I am not bound by official cars and official uniforms, and there is no danger of being punished by knives and saws. I don't need to know about the chaos in the world, and I don't care about demotion and promotion. This can be done by a man who is born at the wrong time, and so do I.
"Another kind of person waits in front of the officer, runs on the snobbish road, hesitates when he just steps out, just opens his mouth and doesn't talk, is shameless in filth, and will be slaughtered if he violates the criminal law. Even so, he still wants to get lucky and get rich until he dies of old age. What kind of person is virtuous and ungrateful in treating people? "
After hearing this, Changli Hanyu did not feel strong, so he sang this song for him and said, "In the middle of the valley, there is your husband's home. Pangu's land can be planted Pangu spring can be washed, lingering. Pangu Mountain is dangerous, who will fight for your husband's residence? Deep and deep, open and wide enough to be widely inclusive; Bend and bend, walk over and go back to the original place. Admire Pangu's fun. Happiness is long-lasting. Tiger and leopard have far footprints, but Long Yin is deep. Ghosts and gods guard, no ominous. Pay attention to diet, live a long and healthy life, and be dissatisfied. What can you expect to refuel my car and feed my horse? Follow your husband to Pangu and let me live there all my life. "
This preface was written in the seventeenth year of Zhenyuan in Tang Dezong (80 1), when Han Yu was 34 years old and left the Xuzhou shogunate to seek a job in Beijing. Since the eighth year of Zhenyuan (792), Han Yu has been rushing for his official career for nearly ten years, but he has never been reused by the court, and he is in a difficult situation and unhappy. So, I took the opportunity to see my friend Li willing to go back to Pangu to live in seclusion, wrote this preface, and spit out the grievances in my chest.
In the words of Li Yuan, the author describes three kinds of people: one is a high-ranking official who "sits on the mountain and watches the tiger fight, advances and retreats a hundred officials", the other is a mountain hermit who "lives in into the badlands without a fixed place", and the third is a stubborn and opportunistic villain. By contrast, we made a bitter mockery of those ambitious and extravagant bureaucrats and those who grovel and cling to powerful people, and greatly praised our friends' ambition of seclusion. The last paragraph of the article, in the form of an ancient song and rich lyrical style, chanted, praised and blessed a friend's seclusion, and also showed admiration.
Han Yu's Preface is very famous, and this article has been especially praised in all previous dynasties. Su Shi's Postscript to Li Yuanxu said: "Ouyang Wenzhong said that there was no article in Jin, and Tao Yuanming's Return was just one. Yu also said that there were no articles in the Tang Dynasty, and Han Tui's "Send Li to Pangu" was just an article. I am willing to spend the rest of my life writing this article. Every time I start writing, I laugh at myself and say, "If you don't put it down, you must learn to back down. "The writing time of this article is one year earlier than Shi Shuo, but the style is quite different. When reading these two articles, we can make some comparisons in content and writing according to their respective writing backgrounds.
To annotate ...
[1] Yang: Shannan is called Yang. Pangu: Twenty miles north of Jiyuan, Henan. [2] Wandering: Stay together, stay and stay. [3] Temple dynasty: ancestral hall and imperial court. In ancient times, orders were sometimes given in ancestral halls. "Temple Dynasty" refers to the central government organs. [4] Advance and retreat: This refers to appointment, removal and lifting. [5] Flag (máo): Flag. The flagpole is decorated with the flag of oxtail [6] Cai Wei: A man of outstanding talent. The same as "Jun". [7] Piá n parallel body: graceful posture. [8] Zhong Hui: Intelligent qualification. Hui, the same as "Hui". [9] j ū ju: The front and back of clothes. [10] Yi [Yin, Yin]. [1 1] Dai: blue-black pigment. Ancient women used it to thrush. [12] Shit. This refers to independence and beauty. [13] Pity: love. [14] Evil: disgust. [15] Car clothes: official clothes. In ancient times, the cars and clothes used were determined by the rank of official positions. [16] Knife saw: refers to instruments of torture. [17] Li: Governance. The Tang Dynasty avoided the taboo of Emperor Li Zhi and replaced "governance" with "reason". 18): refers to the advance and retreat or promotion of officials. [19] Situation: status and power. [20] speak hesitatingly (z and j ū): hesitate. < 21> Nie Ru (nièrú): Awkward. [22] Criminal Law (Pippi): Criminal Law. [23] Changli: the county of Han. The Tang Dynasty emphasized the clan, so the author marked the county. [24] Planting crops: sowing food, here refers to the place where food is planted. [25] Yu: You are far away. [26] The outline is inclusive: broad and inclusive. Its: or "and". [27] dazzling: buckling. [28] Wandering: Come and go freely.