Wang Ying (1376-1449) was given the courtesy name Shiyan and his pseudonym Quanpo. A native of Xingxianfang, Jinxi County, Jiangxi Province. Poet and calligrapher of Ming Dynasty. A scholar in the Ming Dynasty. Official to the Minister of Rites.
In the second year of Yongle (1404), he became a Jinshi and selected Shujishi. He and Zeng Qi and other 28 people entered Wenyuan Pavilion to study. Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty learned that he was careful in handling affairs, so he and Wang were directly responsible for the secret writings, participated in the "Records of Taizu", and was assigned to the Hanlin Academy to compile and read it.
Twenty years later, the retinue marched north. The teacher rotated and passed Li Lingcheng. The emperor heard that there was a stone tablet in the city and called Ying to take a look. When I arrived, I didn't know where the monument was. There is more than a foot of stone unearthed at the north gate of the city. It is a stele of virtue and politics created by Xie Xie, the postmaster of Li Lingtai in the Yuan Dynasty. The inscription on the stele is engraved with names such as Daru Huachi and others. To play. The emperor said: "The monument has the name of Mongolia. In the future, we will consider it our own land and start a dispute." He ordered to smash it again. Shen Zhuhe, return to play. The emperor was pleased with his careful review and said, "You are the scholar among the twenty-eight people. I will use you." He asked about the northern expedition. Ying said: "The might of God personally marches, and he will escape far away. I hope not to pursue him." The emperor laughed and said: "The scholar said that I am a martial artist?" Because he said: "There is movement in the army, and I will report it as soon as I hear it." He also ordered the officials. Don't stop. Officers and soldiers who have made meritorious deeds have their faults, but their lives should not be separated from their food, and they will gather together and weep. Play with English and give again. Renzong ascended the throne, progressively became a bachelor of Youchunfang, and begged for relatives to return home.
Xuanzong was established and returned to the court. At that time, there was a banquet in the country, and the emperor wrote elegant articles, discussed literature and art with the scholars, admired flowers and composed poems, and received them with great courtesy. Taste of Ying said: "In Hongwu, the scholars included Song Lian, Wu Chen, Zhu Shan, and Liu Sanwu. In the early years of Yongle, there were Xie Jin and Hu Guang. You encourage them, and don't let the predecessors have their own beauty." Xiu Taizong and Renzong " After the "Record" was completed, he moved to Shao Zhan and was given a unicorn belt. When my mother is mourning, she will hold a special burial ceremony and send a senior official to protect her when she returns home. Find it again. In the first year of Zhengtong's reign, he was ordered to serve on the Sutra Banquet, the president's "Records of Xuanzong", and he was appointed as the Minister of Rites. Eight years in the numerology ministry. Due to the epidemic in Zhejiang, people were sent to offer sacrifices to Nanzhen. There was a long drought, and when the British arrived, it rained heavily, and the people called "Shilang's Rain". At the age of seventy, he begged for leave again. No. In the twelfth year of his reign, Yingzi was imprisoned under the supervision of the deputy envoy Yu Sishi. The British treat the crime lightly. Don't ask. Next year I will be appointed Minister of the Ministry of Rites in Nanjing so that I can have some leisure time. He died in the second year of his life at the age of seventy-five. He was given a funeral ceremony and was given the posthumous title Wen'an.