The value of calligraphers' works should be considered from two aspects: one is the word itself, and the font of Master Li's voting machine is beautiful, beautiful and unconventional, which is the basis of value; Secondly, the popularity of teachers. Li's voter grandfather "Qin Yuan Chun Xue" was collected by the United Nations, and the famous actor Yin asked for a pair of "husband and wife and Ming" when he got married. Lu Shuming, Liang Hongda, Xiao Ni and other stars have also collected works, and their popularity has ensured the appreciation of the collection. For example, as an insider, I personally saw a collector friend collect Li Xuanmin's works and sold them 10 times a year later, which I envy.
If you have Mr. Li's works, I am willing to start with the right price. If it is not in urgent need of money, I suggest collecting it!