The 300 works aim to describe the story of Wang Huizhi's visit to Dai Kui on a snowy night in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Wang Huizhi is the son of Wang Xizhi. When he lived in Shaoxing, Zhang Wo, there was a heavy snow there. He suddenly remembered Dai Kui, who was far away in Tongxi, and went to see him by boat overnight. When he arrived in Tongxi the next day, he told the boatman to turn around and go home. When asked why he came back without meeting, Wang Huizhi said: Come back when you come, have fun and come back. Why do you want to meet? In the picture, Wang Huizhi is sitting in the cabin, reading with his arm around his neck, and his expression is vivid.
This painting depicts the story of Wang Huizhi in Jin Dynasty who took a boat to visit his friend Dai Kui on a snowy night. With simple lines, the painter shows the cold weather and depicts the mental outlook of the characters. The branches of the ancient trees on the river bank are vigorous and powerful, either rendered in thick ink or sketched in light ink, which shows the painter's superb pen and ink skills and profound artistic foundation. It is really his favorite work in his life.
Works handed down from ancient times include Nine Songs and Visiting Dai Tu on a Snowy Night.