The person who should be established was King Zhu Zaijing of Yu, and the Song Party supported King Zhu Zaizhen of King Jing, and said: "Your Majesty has been in great prosperity in the Spring and Autu

The person who should be established was King Zhu Zaijing of Yu, and the Song Party supported King Zhu Zaizhen of King Jing, and said: "Your Majesty has been in great prosperity in the Spring and Autumn Period, why did he suddenly do something ominous?" In the 39th year, Guo Xiyanshu, the counselor of the Ministry of Rites, asked for the throne, and disobeying Longlin, he saw Abandon the market, and those who have something to do will be killed, and no one dares to speak out for a while. The emperor was fond of Huang Lao, and the dragon clock was very high. Zhong Pianshu asked King Yu to be his heir, but he refused to retaliate and returned to the throne. On the fourth or fifth day, the strict party continued to ridicule and slander him. The emperor was angry, and the imperial staff was forty, and he was deposed as Guizhou. Longchang Yi Cheng. In the forty-one year, Song Jian was deposed, and Zhong Pian was moved to Nanjing to be the head of the Criminal Department. When Emperor Meng was drowning, a female crown came from the southwest and rescued him with an oar. The Taoist priest Lan Daoxing explained: "Your Majesty has a distinguished person in the southwest, and his name should contain 'paddle'." The emperor was overjoyed and moved to the Ministry of Rites to be the Minister of Rites. Zhong Piao promotes and appoints civil and military officials to do their best to pick out traitors and thieves without turning around. His relatives, virtuous and corporal men, pushed forward and advanced. Although he was in a high position and was very old, he never looked tired. He was admitted to the cabinet by the Minister of Rites before he was half a year old, and he was known as "Sincere and Honest". In the forty-third year, Zhong Pian fell ill and was asked to serve as an official. The emperor was lucky enough to see him, and tried to keep him. He also gave him praises and homage, no tendency to enter the court, and swords and shoes to go to the palace. Later several envoys visited him. In the next year, he died as an official and drove to Lindiao. He was sixty-six years old and his posthumous title was Wenxiang. The people thought of his virtues, so they built a shrine in Ji and recommended it by singing string songs every time they ate. The emperor interfered with Huang Laodao and destroyed all the houses for worship, except for the special edict to preserve the Zhongping Temple.

Tai Shigong said: "Poetry" has this: "The high mountains stand still, and the scenery stops." Although I can't reach it, my heart goes to it. Zhong Pian's benevolence and admiration for justice are endless. He once again served as a civil official and served as a military general in the court. How can he be a gentleman who has read a lot of history? ?

The translation is as follows:

Wu Tang, whose courtesy name is Zhongpian, is from Changzhou. Because he avoided the name taboo of Zhu Youtang, Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty, he replaced his name with a character. When Wu Zhongpian was born, there was a heavy rain and the house was flooded. The flood first reached his thighs and later could submerge his whole person. Wu Zhongpian's father, Wu Shiba, led his wife and children to dismantle a door as a boat and use the door frame as an oar. At this time, thunder was rolling in the sky, and Wu Shiba's wife had abdominal pain and gave birth to a child. Wu Shiba used a gun and an oar to name the child. The door panel could not bear the weight, so Wu Shiba himself sank into the water to save his wife and child. The child survived. Wu Zhongpian was homeless since he was a child, and lost his father before he could remember. He was intelligent, respectful and prudent by nature, studied ancient classics thoughtfully, and was known for his filial piety in serving his mother. Wu Zhongpian is good at regular script, running script and cursive script. Experts believe that his calligraphy is quite the essence of Jin people's calligraphy. People regard the scraps of paper he wrote on as treasures, just as Wu Zhongpian treasures gold and silver treasures. At the age of 15, Zang passed the examination to become a scholar, and at the age of 20, he won the first place in the imperial examination. The emperor gave him a banquet and the Ministry of Etiquette. He was selected as a good scholar and appointed as editor and editor. In the last years of Zhengde's reign, he served successively as Shidu and Youyude. After Emperor Shizong Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty ascended the throne, he served as a lecturer and was soon promoted to a bachelor's degree. Jiajing missed him, and Wu Zhongpiao was promoted to the right minister of the Ministry of Rites. Not long after, he resigned from his job and returned home due to his mother's funeral. He became extremely thin due to excessive grief, and it seemed that only a skeleton was left to support his body. The emperor wanted to seize his love and promote him to the position of Minister of Rites, but he was stopped by Yan Song, the Imperial Academy's wine-sacrifice. After Wu Zhongpian heard about it, he said: "The person who understands me is Wei Zhong!" After saying this, he was moved to tears. Wu Zhongpian was an upright and strong man and did not know Yan Song's sinister ways. In the past, every time when political affairs were discussed, Wu Zhongpian often refuted Yan Song, which created a rift, but Wu Zhongpian did not notice it. After the mourning period was over, Wu Zhongpian served as the right minister of the Ministry of Husbandry, and then as the Minister of Rites. Not long after, he replaced Jia Shangshu as the Minister of Rites. He had a very filial temperament. Although he had taken off his mourning clothes, he still ate vegetables and slept on straw. He did not eat fish and meat, and was more sad and sad than common etiquette. When he was in trouble, he was full of heroic spirit. He lifted his beard and talked and argued. Even the loyal ministers and wise men could not surpass him. Wu Zhongpian was ordered to inspect Quanzhou's shipping administration, but he regarded the pearls and treasures as nothing but grass and did not even look at them. In November of the seventh year of Jiajing, Wang Shouren, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, passed away. His last words were: "My heart is so bright, what else can I say!" Wu Zhongpian cried for three days (after learning about it).

In the ninth year of Jiajing, the emperor wanted to marry the princess to the son of Duke Wei. Because he loved her very much, he wanted to increase the amount of the dowry to exceed that of the eldest princess, and asked the officials if it was feasible. Yan Song said: "Very good. Now that the world is at peace, Your Majesty should use this (princess wedding) to demonstrate the prestige of my kingdom."

The people missed Wu Zhongpian's kindness and built an ancestral hall for him near the capital. Every meal was accompanied by rituals and music, and sacrifices were offered. The emperor was obsessed with Huang Lao's theory and destroyed all the ancestral halls, but issued a special edict to preserve the Wuzhong Piao Ancestral Hall.

Tai Shigong said: "The Book of Songs" says: "The high mountains stand still, and the scenery stops." Although I cannot reach such a state, my heart is yearning for it. Wu Zhongpian's benevolent heart and admiration for morality continued throughout his life. He was in charge of border affairs as a civilian official and entered the court as a military general. What a well-informed and knowledgeable gentleman he was!