1, the emperor is going to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices, so that Wang Xizhi can write his congratulatory message on a board and then send workers to carve it. The sculptor cut the board layer by layer until it reached the bottom at three o'clock. The carpenter marveled at Wang Xizhi's brushwork. The idiom "Cut to the chase" is the story of Wang Xizhi.
2. Once Ou Yangxun rode out, he happened to see a stone tablet written by Suo Jing, a famous calligrapher in Jin Dynasty. He dismounted to watch and admired many times, unwilling to leave. He just spread a blanket and sat down to think it over. Finally, he sat by the monument for three days before leaving.
3. Yan Zhenqing lost his father at the age of three, and a family of more than ten people were supported by relatives and friends. Although the family has fallen, Yan's family is still filial. When I was a child, Yan Zhenqing mixed loess with water and painted the wall with mud. When the yellow mud was a little dry, he wrote on the wall with a short stick. The pedestrian was surprised and asked him, "Why don't you learn Chinese characters with pen and ink?" He replied: "My family is poor, and I can't afford my mother's heart."
Liu Gongquan went to Weiyang Palace Garden when he was in Tang Wenzong. The literati said: "In the past, clothes for border soldiers were often not distributed in time, but now spring clothes are distributed in February. You should write a poem to congratulate me. " Liu Gongquan replied: "Although there was no war last year, I did not return this year. How can I repay the kindness of the emperor? I get spring clothes in spring. " Wenzong said happily, "Cao Zijian has seven steps in reciting poems, and you only need three."
5. In the second year of Jiayou, Su Shi's exam-oriented thesis "On Criminal Loyalty" was praised by Ouyang Xiu, the examiner. The article wrote: "Say the third kill, Yao said the third kill", and the examiner didn't know its allusions. Ouyang Xiu asked Su Shi where he was from. Su Shi replied: "Just take it for granted."
6. Dong Qichang tried every time in the imperial examination, and his mood was very low. One night, I suddenly dreamed that God came to tell him, "You must wait for Yuan Keli to take the exam with you, so that you can hope to be on the list." . He felt very strange when he woke up, so he went to schools one by one and finally found Yuan Keli, who was seven years younger than himself, thousands of miles away. Knowing that Yuan Keli was poor and unable to study, he took Yuan Keli home to study. When Yuan Keli was in her twenties, they took the exam together. As a result, both of them got the list after obtaining the results of provincial and final exams.