"The national scholar is unparalleled, and the loyal minister is not loyal." This is a couplet of the ancestral temple of Lugong Temple in the east of Feixian County in the sixth year of Song and Yuan Dynasties. Statues of Yan Gaoqing and Yan Zhenqing (709-785 AD) are enshrined in the ancestral hall. In front of the shrine, there is a tablet inscribed by Cao Fu, Qin Guan and Mi Fei, which is famous at home and abroad. For thousands of years, Yan's descendants have been distributed all over the world, and Yan Zhenqing, a patriotic loyal minister and great calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty, is the most proud. Yan Zhenqing is the most outstanding person in Yanmen. Although his ancestral home is in Langya filial piety, later generations rarely know that filial piety is Zhuman Village in Feixian County.
"Braveheart is like frost and sun", "autumn frost blows the air, and Changhong shines through the sun"