Second, Zhong You was a handsome boy when he was young. That is a very handsome and clever man. At first, Emperor Xian of Han Dynasty was named Wu Dongting for helping him cross the East. Later, it was used by Cao Cao and sent to guard Guanzhong. He has a lot of history, and he has made great contributions to Cao Cao! This is his son. His son's name is Jude Zhong. People who have seen the romance of the Three Kingdoms should know him!
Third, Jude Zhong will inherit the genes of the elderly. When he was young, he would be very handsome, and he would "touch people's hearts" and play first-class tricks! It is also famous in history. But a closer look reveals that Zhong Rong was born in 15 1 and will be born in 225. Zhong Rong only had him when his father was 75 years old. It can be said that this is very awesome.
Fourth, if a 75-year-old man should be regarded as an old man and lead a plain life, Zhong You still has such an interest. In his later years, he also took a fancy to a woman and divorced his original wife. The emperor said it was useless. It is conceivable that Zhong You is old, but his heart is not old.
In this way, everyone should know who can have children at the age of 75 in history. If you are interested, you can have a good look at this person's information. I believe many people admire this 75-year-old father.