The significance of mother's words in Wang Xizhi's godson's calligraphy practice

"My son has worn out three cylinders of water, and there is only one image." This is my mother's misunderstanding that the dot below the Prince was written by Wang Xianzhi, saying that he was Rainbow Xizhi (in fact, this dot was pointed out by Wang Xizhi under Wang Xianzhi's big characters). That is to say, although Wang Xianzhi wrote three jars of water, he still didn't write Rainbow Xizhi.

Every stroke written by this writer shows skill. Wang Xianzhi wrote Three Tanks of Water and Wang Xizhi wrote Eighteen Tanks of Water. The number of exercises is different, and the writing skills are naturally different.

Mom's words tell us from another level that we should study calligraphy well and kung fu will come naturally.